Pantry Raiding + Pistachio Pesto Spaghetti

Ever look into your pantry and feel that you had food, but nothing cohesive to cook with? I feel this way all of the time. Until today, when I looked into my pantry and saw that I had pistachios (from when I was trying to be healthy and incorporate more nuts into my diet), garlic (which I always have on hand), spaghetti (this or any pasta that is a staple in your pantry), and olive oil. I was missing some fresh basil, but I substituted some dried Italian seasonings. I created a pistachio pesto spaghetti, on the fly. Regular pesto includes basil, olive oil, garlic, and pine nuts, but I substituted one nutty flavor for another. I would definitely try this again with almonds or hazelnuts, two of my favorite nuts. It gets increasingly easier to substitute flavors and ingredients ever since I took the cooking class (required by my event management major - go figure). I also find that the more restaurants I go to and try odd menu items that I wouldn't usually make at home, I am increasing my repertoire of palate pleasers. 
Most recently, S and I went to our favorite restaurant, Prato. This time, we went with a gift card, so we were willing to try anything and everything. This time, we tried the bone marrow crostini.  It was atop a crunchy slice of baguette, with fontina cheese, so salty and savory as a whole. So delightful. 
Of course, we also had to order our favorite pizza there, the widowmaker which consists of a bed of our favorite leafy green, arugula, surrounding a farm egg. So good, it can kill a man. They have a pizza oven there, so the crust tastes like Napoli, Italy to me - the origins of pizza. 

Salut, Yelle

Pizza photo source


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  1. Mmm! Sounds awesome. I love pistachios but wouldn't think to pair them with pasta! My go-to when I'm feeling uninspired in the kitchen but don't want to eat cereal again is whole wheat angel hair pasta with olive oil, garlic, peccorino, and red pepper flakes. Add a dollop of ricotta and some salt, perfection! I'll have to try this recipe soon.

    1. That. Sounds. Delicious! Sounds perfect for when I come home and don't want to spend too much time on dinner!

  2. That pasta looks delicious, I know how to cook, but I think I need to start experimenting a little bit more, I have no idea how to use any ingredients other than the basics. I'm lucky my boyfriend used to be a chef, or I think I might starve. Pesto is definitely on my list of things to try xo

    1. I've been getting more and more comfortable with experimenting the more I try! You are very lucky to be with a chef!

  3. Absolutely delicious. I love 'odd' pestos! Whenever I end up in Italy I always take home a bottle or two of walnut and ricotta pesto. Buonissimo!

    x Elena @ Randomly Happy

    1. Mmm! I will definitely need to keep an eye out for those kind of pestos! Ricotta? Sounds like it was made for me!

  4. i am on the "eat more nuts for healthy fat" kick right now. in fact i just bought some pine nuts because i hear they are extra good for you (sadly, i can't remember why but it was on a lose weight episode of doctor oz the other day- lord help me working from home does have it's drawbacks!). i have been wanting to make a nutty pasta sauce to go with my rice pasta - which btw is NOT a real substitute for real pasta. it's not good, but what can you do? i say just make lots of yummy sauces! i will add this one because it sounds heavenly!

    1. I have heard the same thing from others who have cooked with rice pasta! Definitely does not sounds enticing!

  5. Yum! this all looks so good! now im craving pizza. :)

    1. I know, I can barely visit this post to reply to comments without my mouth watering!

  6. Chanced upon your blog and enjoy reading it!

    1. Thank you Michelle! Hope you come on by again!

  7. That flatbread/pizza looks amazing!

    1. It really really is! I have dreams about it!

  8. Oh, that pizza... I think I am drooling right now... I really love your blog design and layout by the way!


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