woolgathering /ˈwo͝olˌɡaT͟H(ə)riNG/ - indulgence in aimless thought or dreamy imagining. woolgathering once literally referred to the act of gathering loose tufts of wool that had gotten caught on bushes and fences as sheep passed by.
about me
I'm Yelle. I'm an event manager for scientific conferences, and I create knitwares that I sell online sometimes. This a space that I will share anything from creating a cozy home, to going out with friends, and exploring near and far.
I previously lived in a 2-flat building in Chicago, IL with my family. Now, I'm living back in Orlando, closer to extended family. I love to explore cities, museums and parks, and I love coming home to a house full of knitted goods. My routine includes cooking long Sunday dinners with wine, reading books in the afternoon with a cup of tea, writing in my journal with my morning coffee, and knitting while binge-watching Netflix.
I previously lived in a 2-flat building in Chicago, IL with my family. Now, I'm living back in Orlando, closer to extended family. I love to explore cities, museums and parks, and I love coming home to a house full of knitted goods. My routine includes cooking long Sunday dinners with wine, reading books in the afternoon with a cup of tea, writing in my journal with my morning coffee, and knitting while binge-watching Netflix.
If you have a question, or would like to say hi, feel free to email me at hyggeandwool[at]gmail.com