Glasses Fit For a Bride

Some of you may know that I am getting married in May (meep!) and if you know me really well, you know that I always wear my glasses. Because my sight is so bad, I have simply always had them on. I never invested in contacts because I treated my glasses like a fun accessory. And now, I don't want to be without them! Being that I wear glasses every day of my life, I want to wear them on my wedding day as well. I want S to be able to recognize me, and I want to feel like me, which includes glasses!
So, above is my current pair of glasses that I love. But, I want a new pair of glasses for my wedding that:
  • are classic; not too trendy that I will look back and wonder what I was thinking
  • are simple; I don't want it to clash with the dress I will be wearing
  • I will wear for the first time that day as a kind of debut, branding them as my wedding day glasses
  • as well as can wear again on a regular basis afterward 
Below are the 5 pairs of glasses that I ordered to sample from Warby Parker! It's so great; you pick out 5 glasses that you want to try on, they send them to you within a week, and you have five days to try them out. Send them back and you can order whichever you want with or without your prescription!

I know which one that I like best, but I value your opinion as well! Click on the images to make them larger + comment with your opinion and your favorite numbered glasses!

Salut, Yelle


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  1. Oh I've been needing new glasses! I never heard of Warby Parker, that is such a great idea. I think I will have to try this out too. I love #2 on you :)

  2. I like number 5 the best. Classic and don't over power your beautiful face.

  3. Aw I love that you want to feel like your normal self and therefore will be wearing your frames. With that said, i like number 5 the best on you! number two is good too.


  4. I choose #5! I am drawn to the more smaller frames always. I agree with Anonymous :)

  5. They all look really nice,but there is something about #1 I like and number #5 too.

  6. I like #5! The right proportion for you!♥

  7. I agree....#5 seems to be the best size for your face. Good luck!

  8. I think the 5th pair looks lovely on you!

  9. It's Heide and I like number four or five with five being my absolute favorite!

  10. You have such a perfect face for glasses...I really love how they all look on you. I think 4 & 5 are my favorites :)

  11. I love them, specially 5!

    Also, hi! I'm your new follower, found your blog through The Totally Awesome Blog Hop. Following you through google, bloglovin and twitter :)


  12. I think I liked 5! They all really do seem to fit you well though!

  13. Hey, I found you through the Blog Hop! Just wanted to say that you look super cute in glasses... I think I like #4 the best!! Have fun on your big day :)


  14. I like 5, but I also love your current pair!

  15. Huge fan of the original but I also love 5 :) I think this is a great idea, fabulous blog :)
    newest follower!

  16. Number 2 and 4 looks good on you! It looks more feminine!

  17. Number 3 or 5, but also the current pair :)

  18. I have the exactly same glasses just like your original glasses! I think you look cutest at 2 but if you want to wear glasses to a wedding, maybe 4 or 5 will work best! :)

  19. I like #5! But I'm also partial to your current pair, too. I love my WPs! I have two pairs, the same style just two different frame colors, haha. I didn't know you were getting married in May, congratulations!! I think you're right to stick to your glasses, it's who you are, and you don't have to become someone different just for one day. xo

  20. don't hate me but i really, really love your current pair! -they are my favorite and so very timeless. but my second choice would be #5. i can't wait to hear which ones you like best! and congratulations on the upcoming wedding!! xo

  21. I purchased 2 pairs of glasses from Warby Parker about 2 or 3 years ago and I adore them! I still wear them all of the time, even though my prescription has changed a little, lol. Love 1, 4, & 5!

  22. I vote for #4!

    xo Jennifer

  23. I'm so happy you left a comment on my blog as now I've discovered yours! All these frames look great on you, really. I never have that kind of luck! I guess my vote is for #5, simply because they look timeless and wouldn't take any attention away from your dress, etc. Your current glasses are just about perfect, though I understand you wanting to have a new pair for the wedding. Btw, I think it's awesome that you're wearing your glasses! So many brides seem to feel compelled to change the way they look for the big day, like losing a ton of weight in a short period of time or dyeing their hair blond or something. Wouldn't you want to look like the same person your fiance fell in love with? I think sometimes the pressure and stress of looking "perfect" (whatever that means to them) makes some brides get a little obsessed. Anyway, thanks for the follow and following you back! xo Mary

  24. My vote is for #4! I also love your current pair. Such a pretty face :) and such a fun post!

  25. Found you via the blog hop! :) I love #5 but they all look great!

    Project Lovegood

  26. I'm with the majority & vote for # 5, but I was hoping you'd go with a lighter frame. It would be a shame for anything to take away the attention from my most beautiful Daughter! He,he,he Love, Mae

  27. Love you, #5 and the original pair :) Mary, Long Island, NY


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