More Rustic Home Details

I have put a lot of work into our apartment. Not in vain, because every day that I spend in our apartment, I get a little bittersweet about one day having to move. I would love a house, with a small patio for entertaining, a modern and open kitchen with lots of light, and mainly, a family to keep safely inside of it.
I'm posting more of household treasures; they keep me inspired and happy every single day, & maybe they'll inspire you as well. Above, and the process below, are butterfly illustrations from an old 2011 calendar that I turned into wall art. I simply clipped them onto clipboards, inspired by Sibella Court. I love how the clipboards give it a scientific study feel.
Sometime ago, I started collecting small mirrors for a wall in our bedroom. They are all different materials, textures, and sizes - exactly what I had in mind.
We have a plastic skull that S acquired to draw for practice for one of his art and illustration classes during his undergrad. With it, a wonderfully fragile apothecary jar that S bought for me during one of his solo travels. 
Remember me mentioning how fearless  I am of completely changing our apartment, like flipping the living room? Well that's exactly what I did one day. It created a wonderful vignette of this thrifted yellow chair, old architecture prints, and framed by a window and sliding glass door. 
More favorites... although in actuality, everything is a favorite. These just happen to be a little closer to my heart. Our record player, which allows me to listen to our vast collection of vinyl, old and new. As well as my atlas moth, which was a gift to me from my old boss - who had no idea the value of this insect, well at least the value that it has to me. It is the largest moth in the world, and she knew me well enough to pick it out without me ever mentioning my secret desire for one. As well as a lovely bunch of dried lavender. The little things make this section that much more cozy for reading. 
Salut, Yelle


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  1. Love how it came together! I am such a fan of rustic decor :)

  2. I'm in love with your yellow chair. It's so vintage. And I'd never thought of having a mirror gallery wall. I need to start collecting some mirrors!!

    1. I love the chair too! I found a set of them at a local antique shop and I knew I couldn't pass them up!

  3. Those prints are divine, I've seen then floating around the internet and I've been looking for a way to incorporate them into a craft- I was thinking of printing one onto a cloth bag :) I love your use of the clip boards though, they really give your display a retro science museum feel xx

    1. I love the idea of a cloth bag! I would totally buy one if I saw it ;)

  4. Wonderful vignette with the yellow chair! I am a big fan of Sibella Court, too :)

    1. I'm so glad more and more people are familiar with Sibella!

  5. We have a friend that did the mirror on the wall idea. It is do cool.

  6. i love all of these photos! i am so glad you posted a full view of that yellow chair. i just love it so very much! i also love those prints above it, the combo is perfection. xo

    1. Thanks! The prints are a set of old roman architecture from my dad!

  7. I love the pretty decorative frames and the antique record player. We just bought our first house and have already put a lot of work into it. I know what you mean about that bittersweet feeling because even though it's a house we own, we won't live here forever. We plan on moving on in a couple of years, but of course leaving it much prettier than we found it! (Whoever buys this house after us is lucky.) I actually hate moving and would love to have bought the house I'll stay in till I'm an old lady, but that just wasn't in the budget this time around.

    1. Aw, I can imagine it feels so good to invest time, money, and love into a home, and know that one day it won't be yours!

  8. I love the tiny details in your home. I still have yet to decorate our place, and it's been nearly 4 months. So depressing ;)
    xo TJ

    1. Thank you! You should totally take time this winter to decorate :)

  9. But the details, even if they must move, are what make your home!
    Love the skull(s).


  10. I am loving your apartment! & Butterfly illustrations are my favorite. I especially love butterfly boxes and have been working on my collection


    1. Thanks Melissa! I have over 40 insect specimen in our apartment! Most of ours are butterflies and I love collecting them :)

  11. i love love the clipboard idea, will have to lock that one into my memory for future use!

    1. It's so fun and adds great depth and texture to a wall!

  12. Hey, you own one of my dream vinyl players!!! :D

    1. It's so great! Next time you see one, don't pass it up!

  13. You have such an amazing aesthetic! You'd never guess this was a rental, you've done such a great job. I love all the little nooks and vignettes so much. That dried lavender in the vase is so pretty. xoxo

    1. Thank you Erin! That means a lot. And yes, the dried lavender and Lenox vase from my Grandmother really makes me smile and content every time I am near it.

  14. I love those butterfly prints. Your apartment looks so lovely!

  15. Everything looks so charming and full of character. I think it's so sweet that as you make your home more your own, you feel melancholy about having to move from it one day.

  16. PS- I like the new look of the site!

    1. Thank you on both parts! Hope all is well on your side of town!

  17. Your blog is FAB Yelle
    If you have a chance could you check out mine please :)
    Thank you

  18. I love all of the artifacts you have displayed!
    Especially the butterfly. So wonderful.



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