Changing Strides + Opening Minds

I have always held this quote by Abraham Lincoln close to my heart:  "When I do good, I feel good; when I do bad, I feel bad, and that is my religion." I'm the kind of person that when I do or say something bad to another person, it haunts me. I become consumed by guilt and it doesn't leave like an oil stain. I have always cared about others, but there has been a layer of bitterness this year. I'm not sure what provoked it, but I don't want this atmosphere clogging my thoughts any longer. There's always New Years Resolutions that can be made to make drastic changes, but this time, I feel as though it cannot wait.
I want to be open with my thoughts, ideas, opinions, but I don't want to offend anyone at the same time. I don't mind being a strong-willed person, but I refuse to overshadow anyone. I am feeling that being polite, approachable, and confident is more important than having to prove myself. I would rather speak louder with my actions this year.
Lastly, since this is my first time blogging, it is truly my first year of experimenting with where this blog can go. I'm open to it taking me anywhere, and one path I want to explore is beautiful photos. I've always loved deliriously gorgeous depth of field that old film cameras give you, and while I love my Minolta point-and-shoot and my beloved Minolta x700 film SLR camera, it's not suitable for blogging. So, I finally did what my heart has wanted to do for a while: I invested in a digital SLR camera.
It seems I now have all of the ingredients for blogging:
  • a theme of events, entertaining, and decor
  • a blog design that represents my style
  • ideas for concocting valuable posts
  • a lovely digital SLR camera for drool-worthy images
So, expect to see some more experimenting in this next year, but most of all, thanks for reading and following me on this journey. It's the sense of community and comments that really make me most happy to blog.
Salut, Yelle


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  1. Congrats on your new camera!! Excited to see what great things you will capture in the future.

    1. Thanks Ashlee! I've got some good ones coming up!

  2. Nice SLR you got there! You should post a lot of photos on your next blogpost. :D

  3. I'm still missing a good camera. I have an ancient OLYMPUS pocket cam ;D
    x, Lara

    1. I had my ancient one for a long time! No worries, when you're ready to get one, you'll love it!

  4. Good for you! You go, Glen Coco. You totally deserve a nice camera, it will honestly change your life. You're never going to take it off from around your neck! And I don't know how you could ever worry about offending anyone. From what I've come to know of you, you are a kindhearted and sweet soul. Get real, worrying about hurting someone's feelings. I'm also a huge snark queen so everyone is nicer than I am by contrast, haha ;)

    1. It's been three days and I'm constantly thinking about things in daily life to photograph!

  5. Yay! Congrats on your new camera. I have a really difficult time spending loads of money at a time. If I buy something over 200 dollars I will avoid it like the plague for about 2 or 3 days after I get it home. But I have never done that with a camera (or my macbook). some things you just know are worth it! PS you are a beautiful person and I feel lucky getting to know you, don't let that guilt weigh you down! LOVE that quote too, my philosophy as well. I think I do the right thing not by other but so I don't have to feel bad about it, hehe.

    1. Thanks! And yes, I truly love this philosophy :) It makes me feel good about being human and not succumbing to being mean spirited.

  6. I look forward to seeing your photos! :)

  7. Congrats on the new camera, Yelle! I love love love my Nikon, and you will fall madly in love with yours, too!! When the time comes (and I'm sure it's a ways off), look into the 50mm/1.4 lens. The depth of field is amazing, and it's perfect for low light conditions. It's the lens I have used for all of my posts since mid July.
    Have fun documenting the lovely little details of your life :)


    1. I am definitely bookmarking this suggestion! Thank you so much! I will be so excited when I'm ready to upgrade the lens!

  8. Yay! Congrats! I can't wait to see all the lovely photos you will be taking with it :) Beautiful post too, you speak the truth!

  9. yay! new cameras are the best. i think i have the same one too! :) so even better, right? :D
    interesting to hear you love all things too! i'm officially obsessed and have been since my trip there last year. have you been?

    1. I am still getting used to this camera, but so far so good!

  10. I'm so jealous. I've always wanted a DSLR too. But I think you made a great move. Whether you're blogging about photography or not, great pictures are a must. I don't have a DSLR but I always try to improve the pictures I got using Adobe Lightroom. You seem to know a lot about photography. What post-processing software do you use?

    Welcome to the blogging worlds. For somebody who is new to the blogging world, you already have a great layout! I love the neutral color. And the whole of your blog fits a theme! If you look at my blog, the design is still a mess. I'm still working on it. hahaha.

    1. I feel like my layout is still a mess but that is because I am not a graphic designer so I feel like there is something missing!

  11. What an inspirational blog you have, thank you for that! :)

  12. yes it can be hard to find balance sometimes, but life is about constantly improving!


    1. It is hard to remember this all of the time!

  13. Isn't blogging amazing? (I could so relate to your post btw!)

    I'm pretty new to the blogging world too although I've had my blog private for a whole year and then decided to make it public. And to practice taking photos with the dslr.

    Your blog is very nice and inspiring. I love all the rustic-themed photos. Glad I found it (on Awash with Wonder).

    1. I am loving what blogging has done for me so far! And thank you Stephanie for the kind words!

  14. What a nive blog you have! I found it on Better Blogger Network and think it's very inspiring. Keep up the good work!

  15. Oooh, I swoon. It's funny, because the camera I use on my blog is an old 1975 Minolta! It makes no economical sense... but I'm in love with the beautiful images it gives me. But man, a little instant gratification would be nice now and then. I've gone back and forth about investing in a nice DSLR. As much as I've spent on film the past couple of years, a DSLR would probably have been cheaper at this point, hah!

    1. I love that! I absolutely love my film Minolta, I will always have a soft spot for it!

  16. Beautiful blog! I was recently struggling with the blog identity issue myself (what to post about), and how I wanted my blog to look. Once I got those 2 things down, I'm going faster than lightning! :)

    Excited to see your new posts!


  17. Neat! I've always wanted to own a digital SLR camera but all my savings go to food. Hahaha well, I guess soon I'll try to invest seriously for dslr. Anyway, looking forward to great photos! Also, I hope you still share your films because I really love seeing films! :)

  18. That is great news! I can hardly imagine life without a DSLR anymore. Definitely a blogging necessity!


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