Winter in Chicago

Winter / Chicago / 2016 from Yelle on Vimeo.

A while back, I mentioned wanting to create little films showcasing the different seasons in Chicago. Having lived in Florida for so many years, Steven and I both began to really appreciate the changing seasons. I think my favorite times are when the weather is just about to change from fall to winter, winter to spring, spring to summer, and now summer to fall. The transition period from one season to the next brings all of the excitement of the traditions ahead. We went apple picking last September, and pumpkin picking in October, and I'm very much looking forward to continuing our fall traditions.
As much as I missed spending the holidays with our families, it was lovely spending our first winter in Chicago and having visitors to experience it with us.  I have a bit more footage from winter, but time to work on things like this is escaping me, so I thought I would upload the compilation that I have. I hope you enjoy, and I hope that it makes you a little excited to welcome winter, too.


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