A Change in the Season

I recently received a new pair of glasses from GlassesShop.com. I've been buying my eyeglasses online for years now, and I am always pleased with how I can find affordable glasses and even prescription sunglasses. Many of my glasses have a rectangular shape, so I wanted something a bit larger and rounder. I chose these glasses that fade from tortoiseshell, my favorite! These frames are incredibly sturdy, and fit nicely on my face without any slipping, so it makes them perfect for being around the house whether I'm cleaning, knitting, or reading. I've been doing a bit of fall nesting lately with the new rug, new plants, and changing a few things around the apartment, so having a cozy pair of glasses are perfect for the upcoming fall and winter.

The first few nights in the 60's and days in the 70's have come, and with it, it brings the feeling of fall. We've thrown all of the windows open, airing out the apartment for days. We sleep next to an open window, and by morning, everything smells like fall. The air smells crisp, the sheets feel cool, and being covered with a knitted blanket is the comfiest feeling. With fall comes a sun that sets sooner. It's a small price to pay for all of the other pleasures that fall brings. My friend is visiting with his girlfriend in a few weeks and I am looking forward to going apple-picking with them. It's something I did with another visiting friend last year!

We had a really lovely Labor Day weekend in Michigan. Our friends found an AirBnb that is the perfect river cabin compound. There was everything that we could have needed, and I can't wait to share the photos and film from that trip.

GlassesShop.com is kindly offering a coupon, code GSHOT50, for Hygge and Wool followers! This code gives you 50% off eyeglasses and sunglasses with free lenses (sale frames excluded). Happy seeing!


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