My poor dog. The Chicago winter is definitely here. Our first snowfall in Chicago was pretty lovely. I was working, so I went outside on the steps of the museum that have a view of downtown. The city skyline was obscured past the snowfall, but it was still a beautiful sight. S said that he went on a long walk through our neighborhood that night, enjoying the peacefulness.
The next day, we took Mort to the suburbs for a greyhound play date with the Greyhound Alliance group. It was the first time we saw him in snow. We adopted him at three years old, so we really don't know if he's ever seen snow before. Either way, he didn't act much different to the snow that first day. He had his warm coat on, the snow flurries stuck to his nose, and it was really cute.
However, these past few weeks there has been snowfall with cold weather dropping to single digits. It was below zero with the wind chill, and while I could bundle up for it, I don't think Mort was really prepared. Poor thing has not been enjoying his walks like he normally does. So these days we are spending less time outside, and more time inside with extra treats. I feel terrible for him, he loves going for walks, and these days they are quick visits outside and then we go back into the warmth. I feel like a bad mom, bringing him to a climate like this, taking away one of his favorite things (walks). We had one day that it was in the forties, in between days of below-zero, so I made sure that we walked a long time, exploring streets he hasn't smelled before. I could tell it was the first walk in days that he enjoyed.
Besides feeling oh-so-sorry for my dog, these days have been very relaxing. I've been getting a handle on my responsibilities at the museum now that I've been there nearly six months. I also have been writing and editing more for my at-home marketing job. And lastly, in addition to two jobs and giving extra attention to Mort, I've been knitting. A lot. I find it to be so relaxing and comforting. It's also a great way for me to multitask while I enjoy shows on Netflix. That way, I don't feel like I'm completely wasting my evenings to movies and shows.
We have plans to visit family and friends in Florida next month. While the warm weather will break up a cold February nicely, I am most looking forward to spending time with people. We're making plans for dinners, bar-hopping, brunches, and even camping. It's funny how things change. We used to plan these things with Florida friends maybe a week in advance. Now, we're planning them a month in advance.
Besides feeling oh-so-sorry for my dog, these days have been very relaxing. I've been getting a handle on my responsibilities at the museum now that I've been there nearly six months. I also have been writing and editing more for my at-home marketing job. And lastly, in addition to two jobs and giving extra attention to Mort, I've been knitting. A lot. I find it to be so relaxing and comforting. It's also a great way for me to multitask while I enjoy shows on Netflix. That way, I don't feel like I'm completely wasting my evenings to movies and shows.
We have plans to visit family and friends in Florida next month. While the warm weather will break up a cold February nicely, I am most looking forward to spending time with people. We're making plans for dinners, bar-hopping, brunches, and even camping. It's funny how things change. We used to plan these things with Florida friends maybe a week in advance. Now, we're planning them a month in advance.
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