When we first moved to Chicago, I fell in love with the skyline. I love the buildings, how they are all different, but how they are all monumental in their own way. I fell in love with the neighborhoods. I remember staying at an AirBnB in Logan Square, which was full of trees and the residential streets had birds chirping in summer. I love how only five miles away from the first photo, is the second photo.
In Chicago, the wind has a sound. And not the sound of it rushing past our ears. It's the sound of the void of space between the buildings downtown. A hollow rush that whistles between towering metal and cold stone. It can be heard from the lake as I walk to work.
I'm looking forward to the first 60 degree day with sun. I haven't felt the sun on my skin in what feels like a very long time. And I'm really glad that I'm craving it. I took the eternal sunshine for granted in Florida, and never really enjoyed the warmth when it was always there. Now that summer is shorter and finite, I definitely appreciate it more for what it is. Because in between those golden and sunny days are many cold days that are spent inside. I'm thankful for those too. I'm knitting more and enjoying the feeling of relaxing at home. By being contained this winter, I feel like I am able to be more inspired by the items around me or the things I see. When I'm always doing something, I find myself too stimulated by the world to actually think and reflect on my thoughts. Spending more time indoors has meant spending more time in my head, and I feel really grounded because of that. When there was a time that I thought I was losing my sense of self, Chicago winter came and wrapped me up inside a warm blanket of thoughts.There is less to do these winter days, but there are more thoughts to grow whole with.
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