Oh, you're almost home

Here it is, the first official peek into our new home. These were taken after we gave our security deposit and was actually my first time seeing the inside of the house. S saw it while I was in NY visiting a friend, and he was so excited about it's charm and character, that I agreed to putting in an application as soon as I got back into town, sight unseen. We are excited about gardening and are open to the challenge that an old house (built in the 1930's) brings with it's age.

From the photos, you can see that the house's awning needs a little love, the interior walls need a paint refresh, and the hardwood floors need a polish, but that's small business compared to all of the quirks. In the last photo you can see the huge oak tree that drapes over the house and provides shade in sunny Florida. The surrounding streets are brick-paved and shady. Clockwise: 2 blocks north is the local lake that hosts the weekend farmers market and other annual events; 2 blocks northeast is the little strip of restaurants, bars, and cafes, that host our districts monthly wine and art walk event; 2 blocks east is a little lake and park to walk our future dog around. S can bike 6 minutes to work, and I can drive 8 minutes to work.

We moved in and are almost settled. There are a few more boxes to unpack and things to store in the attic like Christmas decorations. But this weekend we'll work on getting it all finalized because we have an appointment to meet some greyhounds! We will meet a few greyhounds that will compliment our lifestyle, chose one we connect with, schedule a home visit, and then we get assigned an adoption date! It's perfect timing too because all the traveling of summer has ended and the next month will be quiet at work. Once we put some boxes away, I'll happily take some photos of our interior; our furniture fits right in and looks like it has belonged here all along. 


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  1. This is lovely! I'm looking forward to more posts as you make your house feel like a home!

    1. thanks taylor! i cannot wait to share photos of our furniture cozy against the walls, and the paint color when we get there!

  2. congrats! it's perfectly charming, can't wait to see it with your furnishing and personality in it. xo

    1. thank you christine! i can't wait to share! it will definitely have more mid century influences than our last home - which i know you'll appreciate!

  3. I cannot wait to see! It is so charming :)

    1. if you are ever in the area you must come by! we can walk around the town together :)

  4. i agree with everyone. this house is charming. i also love the big trees in the neighbourhood

    1. the huge trees were such a selling point for us! we love that the streets are so shaded and cool and seem more like a northern city instead of a floridian city!

  5. Found your blog randomly and I’d like to say it’s fabulous! You have amazing photos! Everything is perfect!

    Would you like to follow each other via gfc, bloglovin, instagram, twitter, facebook and g+? Do visit my blog and let me know where you follow and I will follow back right away!! :)


    1. thank you charu! i will definitely visit your blog! thanks for the sweet compliments :)

  6. This is so exciting! I can't wait to buy a house so I can really make it my own. We're still renting at the moment. Hopefully I'll be able to buy within the next few years. Good luck with all the decorating and everything. Can't wait to see some photos as I love this sort of projects :) xx

    1. thanks valerie! we are still renting, but definitely will be treating the home like its our own! i know how exciting it will be when we buy a home someday, then we can do some real projects!

  7. So exciting! I know the challenges of moving into an old house. Ours was built in the 1920's and was in half the condition that yours it lol But its always a fun adventure! :D

    1. the challenges are quite exciting! and i'm also thankful that we have the expertise of my dad and the help of the internet (home diy blogs!) to really make this place perfect!

  8. Whirlwind! Dang girl! That was fast, but so impressive. And what a charmer! I'm feeling quite happily envious of you. Have fun feathering your nest, dear. (P.S. We bought a house pretty much sight unseen, and we've spent 11 happy years here.) :)

    1. thank you lauren! and that is so encouraging :) the more time i spend in this house (two weeks or more now!) the more it feels like home and so right. xo


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