Lavender + Salmon Dinner

This recipe stemmed from S wanting to eat healthier more often, like introducing salmon into our diets on a weekly basis. Being that I recently received lavender sea salt as a gift, I wanted any excuse to use it. I found that the sea salt and pepper is really all that a salmon needs, plus the lavender made for a very delicate and floral flavor. 
I paired it with gorgeous pearl cous cous, a staple my dad always has in his house these days, seasoned with a blend of spices called "Fishermen's spice" that was also a gift. With the arugula, I dressed it with my favorite balsamic and olive oil, plus the lavender sea salt, just a little, for some complimentary flavors.
Lately it's been a cold two days in Orlando (cold for Florida) and I have so been embracing it. Although everyone up north is bracing snow storms and working from home, I'm thankful for this cold front, otherwise we would have never had a winter. In Florida, people snicker that it will be back in the 80's by Friday (which it won't - this is a common thing among people who live here. It will be a high of 79, like yesterday was and it will barely crack 70, but people like to gloat.) This gloating bothers me for the main reason that I'd rather be up north, worrying with coworkers if our cars will start, bundled up with neighbors to shovel the snowy driveways, and feel that sense of community. There is nothing to gloat about our 90 degrees 9 months of summer here. Take it from me, it's not pleasant the rest of our year this far south. 
Maybe because I grew up with snow days and tea at night just to stay warm and cuddles on the couch with a movie when it's gloomy but that's what winter is all about. You bear it for a couple of months because the rest of the year is pleasant and getting a snowball tossed at you that slides down your neck is worth it, just because it's winter.
I'm dreaming of snow down here because we get out of work and something about this cold front smells like snow. It reminds me of our last trip up north, the last time I needed snow boots and crunched in the snow. I'm the type that barely turns on the heat and would rather bundle up in sweaters and blankets. What else is this time of year for? 
Yesterday was my brothers birthday (and mine, born one year and four days later, this Sunday!). So, a little happy birthday song in Portuguese like my mom and her family always sang to us. Parabéns pra você, nesta data querida. Muitas felicidades, muitos anos de vida! Happy Birthday big brother Mike!


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  1. Lavender sea salt sounds yummy! Oh man, the weather gloating drives me insane here. It's so much worse here than any other places I've visited to the point where it's almost insensitive?

  2. Lavender sea salt!? That sounds amazing. I love a good piece of salmon, so this looks incredible.

  3. Yum, yum, yum. You are quite the chef!

  4. yummy, i haven't had salmon in quite awhile. i grew up eating a lot of salmon, my uncle fished and we have a lot of salmon in these parts, but it just got so expensive and there way too much of the farmed stuff now. but nothing is as delicious as fresh salmon and yours sounds divine.

    haha, i am the type that in the summer i never turn on the the AC, i'd rather sweat it out and live fully in the moment of heat. i guess we both appreciate what we don't have. but i don't get a lot of snow either and in a perfect world it would snow from november through december here. wouldn't that be lovely?

  5. Oh, that looks so good! I want to start adding more fish to my diet, I've just always been half-afraid to cook it myself.

  6. Happy Birthday! Your dinner sounds amazing... I've been eating arugula like made lately, what's the deal? And I'm definitely going to start scrounging for some of that lavender sea salt. What lovely gifts you were given!

    I know what you mean about winter. When we lived in San Diego, I never missed the season changes. I'd think, "Okay, it's January...that's winter, right?" But here in Virginia, I yearn for more. It's cold here, but not terribly so, and I long for more snow. I long for watching storm fronts moving in and wondering if you'll get out of school and work. :) My husband claims we wouldn't love it further north, but what does he know?!

  7. Wait, so is it your birthday too?? I was confused by your last line, that it was your brother's birthday, but also yours, just a week later? Hah, maybe because it's Friday my brain isn't functioning fully and has checked out for the weekend ;) But very happy birthday wishes to you both!! xo

  8. happy (early) birthday! I've never used lavender in cooking but I think I'll have to try it!


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