Letterpress Happy Hour: Holiday Edition

A few weeks ago we attended another Letterpress Happy Hour for the holiday season. Our friend who did our invitations was there, and the cards are pre-made and designed by the interns for that semester. Then, we pick out our own letters to make a saying, and the interns then teach us how to operate our own letterpress machine. While waiting in line for the letterpress machines, we have wine or beer and friends to keep us occupied. 
It has been a whirlwind of a week. I baked two lemon poppy seed breads for our Thanks-for-giving potluck at work. Then, over the weekend, we purchased and put together our new desks from Ikea. We decided that we didn't really want anything in particular for the holidays (both Christmas and Hanukkah) so instead we decided to "buy each other" a desk and chairs. We picked 2 simple birch wood tops with stainless steel legs for a clean look in our small art studio/home office. After we put them together with their complimentary chairs, it gave us an incentive to rid our studio of the things that have cluttered it. We had so many garbage bags full of things we didn't need any more; including old car insurance policies, empty cardboard boxes, and other unnecessary things that cluttered the room. We made huge progress and only have a little bit more to go! 
We went out to dinner at a restaurant called the Rusty Spoon and we shared a delicious appetizer that they called a butcher board. It had eggs like I've never had prepared, chicken hearts on skewers just like my dad makes, and the most delicious soft mortadella with apricot jam on top to mix in and serve on crostini bread. It was a delicious meal that ended with parmesan rosemary fries with our burgers. I love a restaurant that can do interesting ingredients and plates, as well as a simple staple like a burger done right.
Today begins my week off, as yesterday I finished some emails and meetings in the office. My plans are to "make" and order some gifts that I've been meaning to. I will also be baking some meringue cookies that I learned to make from a Jewish client at the hair salon I used to work at. I'm making the cookies for S's lunch potluck at work tomorrow, and they are truly one of the best treats for after a heavy dinner (or lunch) like Thanksgiving. They are light and airy, and just enough sweetness to end a meal. My other favorite dessert is biscotti, which I have become a master at because I've made them so many times. They are sweet and crunchy, and get soft when dipped in an after-dinner coffee, tea, or hot cocoa. Tomorrow, I will be baking a vanilla biscotti, half dipped in melted milk chocolate, and sprinkled with some chopped toasted almonds. Those I will be saving for our Thanksgiving dinner with my grandparents, father, brother, aunts and uncle, and cousins! Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday and I am so looking forward to starting the festivities of spending time in the kitchen with food and family already. Happy Thanksgiving to all of you as well! 


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  1. Enjoy your week off! I've always wanted to attend a Letterpress Happy Hour but we're always busy and there's usually a scheduling conflict. The cards look great!

  2. Tom and I are doing the almost exact same thing for Christmas this year, except instead of desks, we are going to build storage benches and a headboard for our bedroom.

    I love the idea of a letterpress happy hour... I wish we had one in KC. I could totally see Hammerpress, our local print shoppe, hosting one. Maybe I'll badger them until they do! haha

  3. i really need to see if there are any letterpress workshops around here. it's something i'd love to try. portland is known for being "cool" (and maybe i am just not cool enough to know about all it really has to offer) but i never run across all the cool things you do where you live! and yum, you just made me really, really hungry. have a great holiday yelle! xoxoxoxo!


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