A High-Profile Event

Before I get talking about this gorgeous event that I was proud to be a part of, let me introduce you to the new domain and design. Tender Roots is the name I have been thinking about a lot lately and the name I was in the process of changing my blog to when I wrote this post. I am now www.Tender-Roots.com and it feels so good! The name is something that I feel I can relate to more than just "Yelle Events." And have no fear, the feed is the same and the old www.YelleEvents.com redirects here. (The new name is already inspiring me - I did not intend that to rhyme!)
The name Tender Roots has a lot of meaning to me. Right now S + I live together in an apartment that we've had for about 4 years now. Even though we've stayed in it this long and love it so much, it's not our home forever. We know we will be moving away, whether in a year or five years, it won't always be our home . Our next home won't be our home forever and I don't even think the home after that will be our home forever. I really feel like my roots are tender and I have to be careful about getting too attached to a place I call home, for now.
Thanks for all of the encouragement on my previous post. Changing a blog name is a little scary and a lot of hard work. I'm not nearly 100% complete with the design (I want S to make a special header image for me - similar to the current one) and I won't ever be 100% sure about the content of this blog. I'm letting this blog go where ever it feels right and changing the name to Tender Roots felt oh so right. 
Recently we had a major event for a Fortune 500 company. I couldn't take photos that included any of their banners or signage, so of course I can't exactly say what company it was. Although, it was catered by my favorite central Florida catering company, the ones doing my own wedding, Puff n Stuff. The caterers even did the floral arrangements for this event which we a mixture of greens and and different textures. 
The dinner reception was held in our dinosaur exhibit and made for a wonderful conversation piece. I love it when our booked clients aren't afraid to embrace the exhibits that we have. This dinosaur exhibit was embraced in such a classy way, with shimmering pin-tuck linens and low and textured centerpieces. Even the addition of the blue up-lights envelope the room in a dramatically chic way. This exhibit hall is great on it's own without all of these special touches, but this exhibit hall really shines bright when the dinosaurs are embraced and not ignored.


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  1. what a cool place to have a wedding! no one will ever forget the dinosaur exhibit :) i love how the linens/flowers they chose coordinate so well with the venue--really creates the perfect feel.


  2. I love your new blog design/name! I've been longing for something far more simple than my blog currently shows right now, but we'll see what happens. Anyway, love what you've done with the place ;-)

  3. it really does look great and i love the story behind the name. (ps i am going to need a new button from you). i think the event looks so cool with the dinosaur exhibit in the background. and the little bit of flowers are perfect. i love green hydrangeas, i used to have a huge plant and i would always cut them early to fill my vases.

  4. Wow! What happened here while I was away?! The new blog looks fabulous, Yelle!

  5. Well, I think you did a great job with the redesign and I like the name even more after hearing your explanation of it.
    Loving how the centerpieces pop on these tables.

  6. Congrats on the new name and look. I understand how it can feel not right, and I even will be making a change with my main name banner soon.

  7. That event looks incredible!! The colours you used are absolutely perfect.

  8. I like the name change :D whatever you decide to put in your blog will be interesting and awesome :) your job seems so cool. Can't wait for your wedding loves <3

  9. Congratulations - you did it! And it looks fab! I love the new name, and also the idea of letting you and your blog develop together in whatever direction you like.

  10. What a beautiful event! And I just love your new blog name! I love the meaning you have for it :) I've tinkered around with my own blog name as well and finally decided it is what it and made it official with a domain name!

  11. Yelle, this event looks absolutely amazing! You did an incredible job. Also - I'm loving the new name! I'm definitely digging the change.


  12. Wow! That looks so incredible! What an amazing place for a reception! Good luck with redesigning your blog! Its looks really good so far! x


  13. I'm impressed your museum lets people have events so near priceless dinosaur fossils! They must have a good insurance policy ;) One of the venues we looked at last week was an art museum, the oldest established museum in America, made anyone getting married there get a for-the-day insurance policy covering up to $1m in damage. Smart move! This wedding you helped organize looks great. And I'm excited for the new chapter of your blog! It has such a meaningful history for you guys, it's sweet.

  14. I love the new name of your blog! Also I think your content is just wonderful, it's always very refreshing to read your blog. I haven't read any blogs in a couple of weeks, so I'm catching up now and honestly, yours is one that I missed reading while I was gone! Hence the comment spam. :P


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