
So my fellow event coordinator and I have gotten into the chalkboard paint craze! She came over after lunch and we thrifted for items to paint, snacked on cheese and crackers, started with mimosas and then moved onto lavender champagne, and by 8:00 at night we had the sun still by our side and our newly chalkboarded items were drying! We have metal stands for writing on, propping things on, and we have dutifully titled them our folder holders in the office, for all the event folders we will be needing at an arms reach. I also painted a few old ceramic cups that needed a facelift, old plates that went unused, a platter, and even my white storage containers so that I can write the contents inside. My favorite, the now labeled coffee and sugar duo! It makes my morning that much brighter! Now, we are trying to convince our boss to let us use the left over paint in the office for a quote of the day or event tip of the week!

Salut, Yelle
Photo via WillowBee


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