I purchased this card when I still lived in Chicago, and I never had the heart to use it. Seeing it now, it really signifies a time in my life that no longer exists. A time I've had to mourn. Not only do I no longer live in Chicago, but I no longer have Morty, our dog. We have an addition, a little girl. It was a very different chapter, a beautiful chapter, and this card really represented it.
As beautiful as our life is now, in Orlando, close to family, old friends, year round bike rides, and a little family of our own - I still mourn not having Mort and not living in my favorite city. We give up certain things, like city living and all that it has to offer, to instead be closer to family and live in a place that has a lower cost of living.
So I never used this card because I didn't have the heart to. And now, it no longer represents us, so I can't use it. Instead, I don't have the heart to toss it. It's a time capsule of warm memories in a cold city.
Warmest thoughts and best wishes for a wonderful holiday and a very happy New Year.
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