Grateful Days

This past weekend we made a point to try a new Italian market, brought to our neighborhood by local sausage makers known for their 'nduja. The sandwiches we had were The Dante, Southside Johnny, and a rice krispie treat with rosemary and white chocolate (a surprisingly delicious combo). I thought I would love the Southside Johnny with it's pickled fennel more, but The Dante was pleasantly spicey, so I would definitely order it again. We have to go back in order to have the 'nduja sausage arancini. This is definitely a place that I have to take family next time we have visitors. 

Some things I am grateful for this past weekend...
  • dinner date with Steven, a cozy winter meal with a great glass of wine and a mocktail
  • lunch at the delicatessan around the corner with friends
  • my coworkers brought in bagels and blondies to celebrate with me (beige food is all I want these days)
  • snail mail birthday cards 
  • snow outside, warmth inside
  • knitting sessions and couch cuddles with Mort
  • the quirky salesman at the shop where we bought a handmade humpty dumpty
  • the remarkable generosity of family and friends 


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