Though this summer has been mild and not incredibly hot, it has been long. There were warm days well into September. That, coupled with our busy weekends, we were only able to go apple picking recently. We drove out to Kuiper's family farm with our friends and picked a few pecks of apples. I made an apple compote with them to serve over waffles - something I've been eating a lot of lately. The rest of the apples only lasted a week with all of our snacking.

At Kuiper's, they also have a pumpkin patch, so we made a quick stop there to pick up some gourds, something my mom used to always have out on the table this time of year. As the holidays approach, I'm always looking for ways to hang on to the traditions from my childhood. Every Christmas, my mom would play the same holiday CD while we decorated the tree. This year, I tracked down my own copy of the CD and ordered it online. As much as I love the Sufjan Stevens and She and Him holiday albums, it truly feels like Christmas when I hear the classics on that CD from my childhood.

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