Could it really be the last day of Tokyo, already? Looking back, it was such a wonderful city, and I fell in love with it more than I expected. Our last day, we started at Meiji shine, where we saw a couple in traditional wedding wear, truly beautiful.
Later, we explored Harajuku, which I didn't get many photos of because it was packed. There were immense crowds and we took it all in, shopped a little, and enjoyed the youngsters around us as we tried to figure out a purikura photobooth.
For lunch, we went to an okonomiyaki place where you cook it yourself, and it's all you can eat! Being that we weren't limited, we enjoyed different ingredients like nato in our okonomiyaki, but my favorite was definitely the green onion one.
From there, we walked to the famous Ginkgo tree lined street. From around the corner, we could see the yellow tops of the trees towering above everything else. I had no idea how tall these trees were in real life. We walked down the street, taking in their immense presence and their beautiful color. It was more beautiful than I ever expected. The view from end of the street, looking down the row of perfectly shaped, yellow ginkgo trees, it looked just like every postcard and photograph of the famous street that I've seen in magazines and travel shows. Standing there, looking at it's beauty, I suddenly realized how far away from home I really was. I realized that I was visiting a famous place that was so beautiful, somewhere I never thought I would get the opportunity to travel to, and yet there I was. I felt so humbled under those trees, I felt so happy to be in Japan.
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