Farmer's Market in Fall

In between weekend visitors, we made a point to walk to the farmer's market together with our dog and bring home some gourds and a pumpkin. The weather has turned cool, and it really feels like fall now that we can start wearing our jackets and scarves. Mort is friskier and has more energy to walk this time of year, and yet in the mornings when it's the chilliest, he becomes so cuddly that it makes it hard to leave for work. We brought home the gourds and put them on the dining room table. The pumpkin, we left out front on our porch, and hopefully we will carve it soon.

We leave for Japan in less that a month, and it's scary how fast time is moving. Because I will be gone for three weeks, I have been given a lot of events before then. Work has gotten busier, so I've had to quit planning for Japan, and leave everything else up to Steven. The big things like the plane tickets, train tickets, AirBnBs, and the wifi device rental are all squared away. All that's left is mapping out the restaurants, bars, temples, and other sites that we want to see. At this point, most of it will be a surprise for me. I've got my camera ready, and I'm really looking forward to three weeks immersed in another culture. Japan is going to be unlike any place I've ever been. 

I looked at a map, and Tokyo, Kyoto, and Osaka will all be at peak fall while we're there, which means the trees and mountains will be a sea of orange. While I'm sad to miss Thanksgiving (my favorite holiday) and fall (my favorite season) in Chicago, I'm so thrilled to see Japan glow in amber colors this autumn. 


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