Bringing the Funk // Pop-Up Preview

As the last of summer weather comes to a close, I am welcoming fall with open arms. We recently went to one of our favorite bars, Sportsmans, to enjoy the pop-up preview of our talented friend, Mark's new German concept coming to Chicago, Bringing the Funk. Sportman's has a great outdoor patio with market lights, picnic tables, and a firepit. They setup the grill over the fire and got to cooking. 

There were smoked beef hot links served with creole mustard, and a bavarian pretzel served with white bbq sauce - so good! It was the first time I've ever had white bbq sauce, which turns out is a southern thing. All the time I've lived in Florida, I never had it. The smoked brisket was a saurbraten, which means it marinated in wine for a while before cooking it. It was delish! It was awesome to spend an afternoon outside with great food and friends.


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