List of things I'm thankful for, things I'm loving, things worth sharing...
- •Loving this article on embracing the idea of hygge.
- •Sarah's visit to Japan to help me with the little details of our trip!
- •Looking into bringing some healing amber into my life.
- •We finished the greyhound obedience classes with Mort! We want to start greyhound agility classes with him next. We originally signed up because we know he would love a weekly class for learning, spending time with us, and socializing with other greyhounds. Before we started the agility class, we wanted to sign up for the obedience class as a refresh of basic commands. And he did so well! We struggle with leave it, but all of the other commands, he's picked up really quickly. At the end of one of the classes, the trainer said that Mort would make a great therapy dog! I would love to visit hospitals with him, but I still have yet to look into what kind of commitment therapy-training requires.
- •I started volunteering in the Division of Insects with a colleague! Once a week, during our lunch break, we volunteer and help package specimen to send them across the world for requested research. It's a fascinating world of science that we live in.
- •This article talks about the history of the Easter Egg roll at the White House. I never knew the history, but I find it fascinating. I have a close friend that once worked on the event when she interned in the office of the First Lady. I'm so proud of her and that experience!
- •We painted our kitchen to create a cozy and moody breakfast nook. I love the color and how it's completely changed the way our kitchen feels. With it dimmer in the kitchen now, it makes waking up with a cup of coffee a nice, slow routine.
- •Weekly wine and cheese nights. While I work on my marketing job on weekends at home, S goes grocery shopping for us for the week. I always request a nice cheese and a bottle of red wine (the one that we served at our wedding has been a favorite again these days). And every Sunday, after I've finished my tasks for the marketing job, and before I have to go back to the museum to work on Monday morning, I enjoy my weekly wine and cheese. It's such a nice treat and I look forward to that little reward every week once I get my job done.
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