My drive to work is only 5 miles, but Chicago traffic being what it is (unpredictable and slow at times), music and news can't keep me relaxed during these stressful commutes. I recently watched Femtalk with Estee Lalonde while having breakfast before work, and I really enjoyed how she spoke about women-specific topics. So I sought out other women hosts, specifically on podcasts, to help me start my day with a more positive outlook. I discovered Jess Lively's Lively Podcast, which she describes as a weekly podcast to help "uplift, inspire, and add a little extra intention to your everyday". I have to say, it has made my commute incredibly inspiring. The topics range from blogging, to business, to family and relationships - everything a modern women is struggling to balance. I specifically love how she will interview different people with diverse backgrounds, and they always touch on a different subject - sometimes touching on a subject that I didn't know that I knew little about.
A particular podcast episode that I really enjoyed focused on "stopping the glorification of busy". I found it a perfect way to put it. Being busy is not a good thing. However, when others are "so busy!" and they are spinning it as a good thing, we inevitably compare ourselves and if we aren't busy, we feel like we are doing something wrong, or are not as successful. I don't want to be successful if it means being too busy to have a balance of life and work, or if it means being too busy to enjoy a slow brunch with good friends.
When people ask, how are you?, how have you been?, my least favorite answer is: "busy." Because everyone is busy. Everyone has responsibilities, jobs, assignments, errands, family, relationships, children, the list goes on. When we answer what is meant to be a thoughtful question with one word, "busy," we are shutting out those that care about our lives enough to ask. With an answer like "busy," we are almost saying, "too busy to talk to you about how I am."
So, I too am advocating that we stop the glorification of busy. I've been making an effort to not really have "busy" in my vocabulary when talking about what's new with friends. I'm trying to instead talk about what is taking up my time these days, and specially what I'm trying to balance, instead of just writing it off as "busy." For example, at work I have a huge event coming up, on top of working on little events before and after, which has been taking up a lot of my time. I, of course, have my second job where I am a brand manager for a few companies, which I can work from home, but it does take up my weekends and some weeknights. We also signed Mordechai up for obedience classes so that he can have a refresh of basic commands, before we sign him up for an agility class, which will be more fun for him. Either way - so many things are taking up my time these days, and I'm also making sure to see my friends and explore Chicago in between!
I hope you explore many of Jess Lively's podcast episodes for extra intention in your life as well! Also, if you haven't heard, #GirlBoss author Sophia Amoruso started a podcast as well. I've been listening to GirlBoss Radio to get me through one of the most complex and largest guest-count events I've ever worked on. She talks to other Girl Bosses and interviews them about their path to success. I haven't read #GirlBoss yet, but I just bought a used copy to start reading (when I have some free-time!).
I hope you explore many of Jess Lively's podcast episodes for extra intention in your life as well! Also, if you haven't heard, #GirlBoss author Sophia Amoruso started a podcast as well. I've been listening to GirlBoss Radio to get me through one of the most complex and largest guest-count events I've ever worked on. She talks to other Girl Bosses and interviews them about their path to success. I haven't read #GirlBoss yet, but I just bought a used copy to start reading (when I have some free-time!).
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