Bloggers across the web are all wrapping up the previous month with how much they hate January. After the holidays, people create resolutions that they may or may not keep, which weighs heavy on them. The weather is gloomy and often cloudy, and it's cold days without holiday cheer to keep them warm. Whether people are doing "Whole 30" or "Sober January", they are wishing that the month will be over as quickly as it started.
But me? I love January. After all, it's my birthday month. Although I miss the holiday season, some businesses and homes still have their decorations up. There are less events around town so more evenings are spent at home. It's a nice month to get back into routines of laundry and grocery shopping - the things we neglect during the previous two months of holidays. The colder weather makes us stay inside more, but then that means really hearty dinners and red wine galore. When we do decide to bundle up and head out to a restaurant or bar with friends, the feeling of being greeted by a warm gush of air when the restaurant door opens, after walking against the cold wind to get there - that feeling is definitely hygge. The anticipation of a great meal ahead, of cheerful conversations, and unique cocktails, it's all hygge.
Lately, these past few years I have not had a birthday "party" where all of my friends get together. Normally it's a small thing these days, such as dinner with S at a restaurant I've wanted to try, drinks afterward with whichever friends are free, and it's typically days after my birthday itself. But I really don't mind not making it a big thing anymore. I'd rather celebrate with friends over dinner or drinks throughout the year, in smaller, more intimate groups, rather than trying to round up everyone together. I think that's why I like January, the whole month feels more intimate.
So, January, it looks like it's just me and you. I'll always love you, even when others publicly shame you. I'm okay with that because it's sweeter when it's just us anyway.
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