List things I'm thankful for, things I'm loving, things worth sharing...
- •Beaujolais Nouveau - every year, I look forward to buying at least half a case of Beaujolais Nouveau on the third week of November. Sometime in college, during French classes, we learned of the harvest wine that the French look forward to. For American's it's timing is perfect for Thanksgiving. The fruity Gamay grape goes perfect with the sweet sides like cranberry sauce and sweet desserts like pecan pie. Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday (being Italian and Brazilian - we have some amazing food) and picking up a bottle of French wine has added to the excitement. It's become my own personal tradition. And this year - Georges Duboeuf's harvest is one of the best!
- •Greyhound Alliance Fundraiser - when we found out that we were moving, we asked our Orlando greyhound group, Greyhound Pets of America Greater Orlando, for a contact in Chicago. Our amazing contact Joan, referred us to a group in Chicago called the Greyhound Alliance. We took Mort to multiple play dates that they arrange, and they have been so welcoming and sweet. The least that we can do is attend a fundraising event that they held downtown. The greyhound community is so close-knit and I feel so comforted to know that they are always there for us, and more importantly, for Mort.
- •Speaking of Greyhound Alliance play dates! We don't have a backyard, so whenever we get the chance, we love to bring Mort to the dog beach in summer or the play dates that the Greyhound Alliance coordinates. Mort gets to run around with other greyhounds, and we get to chat with other greyhound lovers over coffee, doughnuts, and even wine!
- •This quote... “October extinguished itself in a rush of howling winds and driving rain and November arrived, cold as frozen iron, with hard frosts every morning and icy drafts that bit at exposed hands and faces.” - J.K. Rowling. This has never been relevant until this winter in Chicago.
- •I'm getting so good at reading my clients, their needs, and understanding their events that this month, I showed up to work wearing the exact same outfit as my client and her team. Black dress, black tights, wedge boots.
- •This pin: "No one has ever become poor by giving." This is super relevant today - Giving Tuesday! Some non-profits that I love? The Field Museum of Natural History. WBEZ Chicago. Greyhound Pets of America Greater Orlando.
- •New items. We've had to purchase things that we have not previously owned like a winter coat for Mort, a big shovel for snow when it covers my car, and a windshield scraper when it's icy out. Although these are all added expenses that one forgets to consider when moving, it's still thrilling to have a completely different environment.
- • My first Chicago snow.
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