wearing // this alpaca blanket from Minzuu. So soft and warm, perfect for our first Chicago winter at home.

reading // Games of Thrones and comic books for him. Cookbooks and recipes for me. Also, loving this sweater that S found for $12 at a pop-up antique shop in Wicker Park. I'm not sure of the name of the place because it's only been open for two weekends since we've lived here. However, this sweater is perfect for both Thanksgiving day and Christmas day.

making // gourds and squash. Growing up, my mom would make acorn squash and even without any spices or herbs, it always smelled delicious. We'd eat it in fall and winter, and I always get nostalgic for it.

cooking // family-favorite comfort foods. Spaghetti and meatballs is my go-to comfort food (after all, my father's side is Italian). A comforting recipe that I discovered with S is Coq Au Vin; it's so delicious, and pretty easy now that I've made it nearly 50 times.

guilt // hallmark channel holiday movies ('tis the season!). Totally a guilty pleasure, and S can't stand when I watch them, but something about cheesy holiday movies really makes me comforted.

mixing // for breakfast, I've been mixing in a spoonful of pumpkin to Mort's dog food. It's a nice little treat and changes things up for him.

enjoying // playing games. Since this winter will be colder outside [than we're used to] and a warm one spent inside, we're getting into playing games together, even while watching a holiday movie. I found a deck of cards from an event I once worked, as well as a can of jacks that I've had since I was a kid in New York. We've been playing Scrabble which is S's favorite, and I've been trying to get a crowd over so that we can play my favorite board game, Anti-Monopoly. Also, I backed the upcoming World's Fair 1983 board game on Kickstarter, which will be released in spring - I cannot wait! Because I was one of the backers, I was able to vote on specific exhibits from the real World's Fair in 1983 that will be made into playing cards for the game. It's Chicago history, events, and gaming rolled into one beautiful package.
drinking // beaujolais nouveau! This red harvest wine is really delicious this year!
listening // come on snake, let's rattle!
feeling // at home. Who knew that Chicago would be so welcoming? I feel so at home in such an incredibly short period of time. I'm in a routine at work and completely finished with training. Our apartment only has a few minor improvements we will make over the long winter. We've got our friends here that always make a point to include us in things. And we have our greyhound, Mordechai, and the Chicago greyhound community. Whether we need someone to watch Mort, or we want to go to a greyhound playdate, and our future looking into adopting a sister for Mort, the community is incredibly warm. I am so thankful for the people that love greyhounds as much as we do. Even with S out of town for his company's holiday party, I still feel so welcome and at home, even spending time alone here.
missing // family during the holidays.
I originally saw this currently feature on Joy Felicity Jane.
drinking // beaujolais nouveau! This red harvest wine is really delicious this year!
listening // come on snake, let's rattle!
feeling // at home. Who knew that Chicago would be so welcoming? I feel so at home in such an incredibly short period of time. I'm in a routine at work and completely finished with training. Our apartment only has a few minor improvements we will make over the long winter. We've got our friends here that always make a point to include us in things. And we have our greyhound, Mordechai, and the Chicago greyhound community. Whether we need someone to watch Mort, or we want to go to a greyhound playdate, and our future looking into adopting a sister for Mort, the community is incredibly warm. I am so thankful for the people that love greyhounds as much as we do. Even with S out of town for his company's holiday party, I still feel so welcome and at home, even spending time alone here.
missing // family during the holidays.
I originally saw this currently feature on Joy Felicity Jane.
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