Doggie Photo Shoot

Our wedding photographer is the most wonderful, down to earth, kind, and talented person. Live Happy Studio offered us a family session to celebrate our new pup, Mordechai, and I was so happy to take her up on it. We decided to shoot around the house and our neighborhood because I know that's where Morty is most comfortable, especially only having him less than two months. We got some ice cream cones and gelato and shared with him. Like I said before, it was so nice to have photos of Mordechai with both S and I. I love how expressive Morty is. The photo of him on the couch, smiling? He's been sleeping on the couch at nights ever since. 

Another week, another whirlwind. Last Thursday, my dear friend came into town to start her wedding weekend! We re-purposed the glass vases that I used for my own wedding and we accented them with her burgundy and gold color scheme by using crushed pyrite and burgundy floating candles. Everything came out beautiful! It rained on her wedding day like it rained on mine, but it was still the most wonderful wedding. I didn't know all of her extended family but in these last few months as a bridesmaid, I got to know my fellow bridesmaids and enjoyed their fun company. I got to know the parents, especially the mothers, and siblings and learn about all of them and their lives miles away. It's incredible seeing all these people joining from across the miles just to celebrate two lovely people that fell in love. 

At the ceremony rehearsal, it was nice to be on the wedding party side. The event coordinator at that venue was doing everything I would have, except he didn't remind the bridesmaids to smile (which I did). I designated myself the rehearsal dinner photographer to make sure my friend would have many memories to look back on of her wedding weekend. At the rehearsal, all of us bridesmaids received a gift, a burgundy and gold Corning glass necklace, which our friend had custom made by a glass maker at the museum she worked at. It's a gorgeous necklace to remember the wedding by. 

The day of, we enjoyed mimosas and getting our hair done. It was a day of pampering followed by a champagne toast in a quick limo ride to the venue. The ceremony quickly came and went, as well as the reception of dancing and a delicious dinner and drinks. It was such a wonderful evening, I wish it never ended and that all weekends could be like that.

All photos on this post were taken by Live Happy Studio.


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  1. the 6th photo is so precious I literally said "aw" out loud!

    1. i know! his nose all comfy on the bed - too cute!

  2. oh my goodness, that one of him on the couch! he looks so happy and proud. it also looks like he love ice cream! also i love that these are taken in your new house, it's just perfect. xo

    1. he totally looks like he's smiling on the couch! and i felt that we would totally love having photos from our first house together :) xo

  3. These are so lovely. My favorite is that black & white picture of you two kissing him. so cute! :)

    1. thanks melissa! that one is a favorite of mine as well - i want it framed!

  4. Gosh, you guys are so adorable! So so cute!

    1. aw thanks milynn! it's easy to look so cute with mordechai!

  5. That photo of your pup on the sofa is just THE BEST! He looks so happy and proud...and I typed that and then read that Christine wrote the same thing! So it must be true! :)

    1. thanks lauren - i think so too! too funny! xo

  6. Gee willy, this is the cutest thing ever!

    1. aw thanks lisa! i think so, but i'm bias :)

  7. I dieeeeee. All three of you are so good looking! And so happy! How wonderful that you'll have these photos of you and this new time in your lives. One day your kids will look at these and discover a whole world they never knew about: life before them. These are seriously so darling. What a ham for the camera your pup is! xo

    1. aw thanks erin! i'm so glad we got to do this little photoshoot with him. and m is definitely a photogenic pup!

  8. Oh my goshhhhh. These are so freaking adorable.

    1. thanks chelsea! you'll have to do some with your little fox!

  9. I LOVE THIS! I love your pup! I've always been interested in adopting a greyhound. AND I LOVE YOUR BEDROOM GALLERY WALL!

  10. So adorable, dogs can bring such joy to your life! Enjoy, and great pics!


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