Links for Your Weekend

I've been inspired to cook up a  storm this weekend. We have ingredients for pizza tonight, homemade strawberry basil soda, and a breakfast quiche for tomorrow. Here are some links to keep you inspired this weekend. Many of them I've pinned on Pinterest, so definitely follow me for future inspiring links.

1 // When we interview people at work for open event positions, inspired by my dear friend and previous colleague, Steven, I always love to ask, "If  you could plan any event in the world, what would it be?" I find that the answer reveals a lot about the person without them saying many words. For me, that event would be one for Royal De Luxe, a mechanical marionette street theater company. Each host city shares a different story in their performance. The one in Nantes is by far my favorite, with a little giant girl talking a walk, showering by an elephant, licking a popsicle, and napping on a chair. And, there are rumors of Chicago planning to bring Royal De Luxe to the United States... could my dream-event come true?

2 // I've been looking into parks that are shaded and quiet to bring Mordechai and a picnic. So far, there are more parks in the area than I realized that are dog friendly and would be the perfect spot for a cool morning with Morty.

3 // While at work, I'll occasionally get an email from S with a link to an article. He sent me this one, The Perfect Way To Cut Cheese. As a cheese lover, this is pertinent information.

4 // Every morning I've been drinking Earl Grey tea instead of coffee. Then I stumbled upon this Earl Grey Tea cocktail, with gin, honey, and lemon which sounds absolutely perfect for summer evenings. We sit outside on our porch, watching people walk by, Mordechai laying next to us, and this cocktail seems like the perfect addition.

5 // Lastly, I'm currently reading The Perfume Collector by Kathleen Tessaro. It takes place in Paris and London in the 1950's as well as flashbacks to Paris in the 1920's, how dreamy? I am about half way through it, and I came across this quote and had to find it on Pinterest. So let's end on this note:
Most people assume that a muse is a creature of perfect beauty, poise and grace. They're wrong. In fact, there should be a marked absence of perfection in a muse―a gaping hole between what she is and what she might be. The ideal muse is a woman whose rough edges and contradictions drive you to fill in the blanks of her character. She is the irritant to your creativity. A remarkable possibility, waiting to be formed.” ― Kathleen Tessaro, The Perfume Collector


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  1. thanks for the links! have a relaxing weekend, Yelle

    1. thank you niken! i hope your weekend was relaxing and inspiring :)

  2. GREAT quote. i've really got to read this book. also, strawberry basil soda.... awhaaaaa? sounds amazing. finally: very greatful for #3. as a mutual cheese-lover, i appreaciate the shared knowledge because i've definitely not be cutting mine the proper way.

    1. so far it's a very enjoyable read! i find it the perfect pace - i didn't read it in one sitting and it's lasting a good amount of the summer for me to enjoy it! as for the strawberry basil soda - it's so easy with a juicer!


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