
What a wonderfully packed weekend with plenty to celebrate. There was a new engagement, the Passover seder, and Easter Sunday. 
My Saturday started off with last minute plans to celebrate the engagement of my dearest friend, my own maid of honor. I brought some goodies to her house to celebrate, including wedding magazines and champagne of course, because it's not brunch without champagne. We chatted about wedding stuff, about family, and fanned the fire alarm when making brunch got a little smokey. Don't worry, there weren't any casualties; the eggs, hash browns, and bacon all made it to our plates and in our bellies.
Later, it was time for the Passover seder. S's mom made the meal and we even enjoyed a bottle of red wine that we had for the wedding. We're sentimental like that. 
After, we met up with a group of friends at a brewery. My stomach hasn't taken a liking to beer ever since I cut down my gluten intake a year ago. So there I was, milking my one glass of Lambic Framboise all night. I'm not normally into sweet drinks, but this is godly. 
At some point throughout the night, the guys ended up in their own group and the girls (including myself) ended up in our own group. It was a bit of a funny transition; I could see the future in that moment. Typically we'll all be chatting, the girlfriends of all the guys get along great with the rest of them, but this time, the girls were in our own group, as if naturally we came out with just them. And I have to say, I liked it. It was refreshing from our usual giant group get together. The girls, lounging at a table in the dim lights, the guys, leaning on the bar top. 
Sunday was Easter, starting with breakfast with my dad, and dinner with my mom. The shops were all closed so my mom's plans for a feast were foiled. She made Plan B while I found the only liquor store open in our tiny little town for some wine. 
This weekend, we're planning and prepping for our little anniversary party. We have details for the party planned out including the menu, the drinks, the decor, the floral, and even the sleeping arrangements. Can you believe our one year of marriage is coming up on May 4th? I really can't. My only goal this past year was travel, and being that we visited the beach for a weekend a few times, visited a friend in Austin TX, went to Savannah GA for my birthday, and even went on our honeymoon to Argentina and Brazil, I'd say that we had a very successful year of travel. We have two bottles of wine from South America that we saved for this anniversary. One, a bottle of champagne from Brazil, and the other is a bottle of rose Malbec, perfect for a warm evening. 
I'm looking forward to toasting with friends to the next year of travel including Charlotte NC, Corning NY, Buffalo NY, Ft. Lauderdale for a bachelorette party weekend, and NYC for my cousins wedding! Not to mention, I hope to take some last minute weekend trips to NOLA (again!) and DC or Charleston SC to visit a dear friend. I guess you could say that I get bored if there isn't something to plan ahead for like a trip.


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  1. the photos of your house always evoke the feeling of a quiet, warm (but with a cool breeze) sunday morning. and that to me is pretty much perfection. i love all your plants and your balcony. it's just so lovely. you have traveled a lot! that is so fantastic. and i personally love it because you share the experience in such a great documentary-like way, i feel like i get to travel a bit too. xo

    1. aw that is so sweet! i do enjoy a peaceful afternoon with sunshine and a breeze and open windows for fresh air.

  2. Wow! Lots of great travel both to look back on and forward to! And that shot of the barometer reminds me. I'm in the market for one. ;)

    1. i definitely have a travel-bug this year! and i am not going to stop until my work time off runs out! as for the barometer, we found this one at an antique shop!

  3. I can't believe it will have been a year already this weekend! Time flies when you're having fun, eh? ;) And what a good way to celebrate: committing to doing more travel! What's that quote? Travel is the only thing you spend money on that makes you richer. xo

    1. i'm with you!? how has it been one year? i seriously feel like it was yesterday and yet, it was 2 years of planning and now it happened 1 year ago. but i can remember the emotions like it was yesterday. this will be you soon!


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