Buenos Aires | Day Four

We started our day with brunch in Palermo Hollywood at a place called Oui Oui. We sat outside and when we arrived it was overcast, and by the time we got our coffee and tea the sun was shining. We ordered two specials that I read were highly recommended from various blogs. One was a simple (and delicious) croissant with ham and cheese, and the other was an eggs benedict, which is the go-to for S and breakfast food. 
We dressed comfortably enough and decided to walk from Palermo to Recoleta, completely walking through the Palermo Chico area which is known for it's beautiful buildings and luxurious apartments and hotels. Along this walk are some great sights that we saw today that were on our "to-do" list.
We began with the botanical garden, which was shaded yet buggy. I attract mosquitoes like a piece of meat and surely, I left with bites. It was serene though. The ornate green houses were pretty and somewhat magical, and it was quiet with couples and families exploring the grounds. There was everything from Argentinian traditional neo-tropical botany to Asian bonsai. It was a great little walk, and a taste for our next stop which was the Japanese botanical garden. 
There was less shade here, but it was laid out nicely. There were koi fish in the pond and there were bridges and small water falls through out. The trickling of the water and the clunk of the deer scare made it a very serene park, even among all of the tourists. Above, there was a collection of folded paper, wishes I believe, and they blew in the wind. It was a pretty sight. 
Markets, old buildings, locals relaxing on a lawn, northern trees, and palm trees - only in Buenos Aires does one find this blend of Paris, the tropics, a northern city, and Naples. We walked all the way back to the Recoleta area and what a difference one day makes! Yesterday it was raining and empty, while today was one of the cities busiest art markets! Every weekend these booths get set up with jewelry, leather goods, and even traditional gourds for tea - all for sale. 
We spent so much time today in Recoleta, the barrio right next to ours and I love it more with every minute. I think that the next time we visit Buenos Aires we will chose an apartment there. It has all the charm, is safe at night, is close to many restaurants, and is in a central area for all of our walking. Palermo is good too, but in it's own way. Palermo is a much younger crowd and definitely has a safe and fun night life, and less tourists. But the beauty in Recoleta is just hard to deny. 
Tonight are our dinner reservations at the home of a chef in Recoleta. Him and his partner met in Buenos Aires years ago, the chef being from the United States and his partner is from Peru. Every weekend they open their homes for reservations to a supper club with wine pairings for less than 10 people. Apparently, these casa dinner parties are a popular thing in Buenos Aires, and the one we found has a lot of English speaking attendees so I am quite excited! From what we know, cocktails start the night at 8:45 pm in the garden, from there we have five courses all paired with wine, and we sit communally among other travelers while enjoying an evening in a cozy home instead of at another restaurant. 


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  1. wow, buenos aires looks just absolutely perfect. your dinner sounds amazing! i can't wait to hear about it! xo

    1. the dinner was so wonderful! an experience i will never forget for sure. not only was it the food, but the company was superb. fellow travelers sharing a splendid meal.


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