Goodbye October, Hello November

October always ends on a good note, with pumpkin carving, roasting pumpkin seeds, and drinking with friends in costume. For Halloween this year, I dressed up as Lydia Deetz in Beetle Juice for work! Our department seemed to be one of the only fun departments that dressed up. It was quiet in the museum considering kids were at school. But, the little kids that did come to our museum dressed up and were so cute! Can it be costume-day at museums everyday for kids? If you can't tell, I am so looking forward to dressing up my own kids some day. 
S carved his pumpkin the night before Halloween so we could enjoy it during an evening at home. As for Halloween, S dressed up as Steve Zee from The Life Aquatic with a red cap and pipe.
My co-workers came downtown with a big group of us, and they dressed up as a 20's flapper, and a pair of the team Red Jaguars from Legends of the Hidden Temple (remember that show?).
At one of the bars we went to, there was a costume contest so we saw some gems. This guy from KISS was head to toe perfect,as well as the Harleyquin we ran into. There was also an ape costume from Planet of the Apes. We joked that he would win the $2,000 prize for best costume, yet he spent $3,000 on his.
One of my other coworkers had his birthday on Halloween and he dressed up as a minion from Despicable Me. He painted himself yellow and I have to say he was among the best minions dressed up that night. Others wore yellow t-shirts, but he was the best.
My boss dressed up as Pippy Longstockings, with amazing hair. The secret was floral wire holding up her braids and it was genius! We saw a Heisenburg/Walter White at a bar and I needed to snap a photo of him.
Our other friends were a glowing Tony Stark/Iron Man and a creepy clown. My friend that was a clown had the best clown shoes I've ever seen!
We were at a bar on the second floor with a balcony, and looking down at the crowds, it was a mad house. We don't normally tend to flock to where the crowds are, so looking down at the immense crowds of people was like a haunted house in itself.
Yesterday, it was a small milestone: six months of being married. It was really just an excuse to go out to eat together at one of our favorite restaurants over the weekend. Also, this past weekend was the museum's large fundraising event called Neanderthal Ball. I worked on this event last year as well and can't wait to share photos of it this year. I have to say, I'm already looking forward to the rest of November.


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  1. Whoa, those are some awesome costumes! The minion one is genius! And gosh, time flies doesn't it? Can't believe it's been 6 months, congrats to you both :) Looks like it was a weekend well-spent!

    1. i thought they all were pretty great too! and it was quite fun to go downtown with my camera - something i never do :) and thank you!

  2. And now, after looking at these photos, I'm slightly regretting not celebrating Halloween this year with a costume :) I went as Pippi in elementary school. My mom sewed patches onto an apron and dress and colored tights, and strung wire through a red wig and braided it. It was such a fun costume! Your boss looks great. And you did too! Congrats on your 6 month milestone. Here's to the next 49.5 years :) xo

    1. aw there is always next year to celebrate! and thanks very much :) totally looking forward to the next 49.5!

  3. Happy six months! Everyone's costumes looked so lovely and I loved your Lydia costume. Such a fantastic idea!

    1. thanks angel! it was relatively easy costume and i love the movie!

  4. wow, i can't believe it's been 6 months already! time flies by. and, ah, thanks for allowing me to yet again live vicariously through your fun outings! this looks like so much fun and people really dressed up! i love both your and steven's costumes! but seriously, 3 grand on a costume? that is someone who really loves halloween! xo

    1. i know! where did the time go? it's a little sad to think it's so long ago.

  5. Oh gosh, all of these pictures are so much fun! I still can't believe that Halloween is over and Thanksgiving is so soon! Where is this year going? ;)
    xo TJ


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