Silent Air Waves

This morning I got ready like normal, had two cups of coffee, and caught up on some October issues of my favorite magazines. Only after my makeup was already done, did I get a call from my mom saying that she had to bring our dog to the vet. Our dog is a beagle and his name is Scout. We grew up with him, but he lives with my mom still since we've grown up and moved out. He's about 14 years old so we know he's up there in doggy-years, but the shock still hurts. He's currently at the vet getting some blood work and analysis done, so there is no word that today is his final day, but realistically I have to keep his comfort in mind. 
I took this picture during our weekend trip to the beach and that particular day it was cloudy and S was far away. It's exactly how my mind feels right now, cloudy and far away.


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  1. keep calm and Scout on :)

  2. aww i hope Scout is okay. He's such a cutie. Sending good thoughts <3

  3. It's understandable that you are feeling a little out of it. I hope Scout is okay!

  4. oh i am so sorry! i always think of getting a dog and i immediately panic about the shorter lifespan (compared to us of course). i can't imagine how hard that is. dogs are just the best. ever. xoxo's for you and scout.

  5. I hope your dog is okay! Beautiful picture.

  6. Oh! I wasn't expecting this at all with that beautiful, moody picture, but I'm so sorry. Our animals mean so much to us. We have a beagle too (among our three dogs); what is it about them? I'm thinking of you and sweet Scout and holding you all in the light. Lucy-the-Beagle sends a sweet nose-swipe of a kiss. XO

  7. Oh! I wasn't expecting this at all with that beautiful, moody picture, but I'm so sorry. Our animals mean so much to us. We have a beagle too (among our three dogs); what is it about them? I'm thinking of you and sweet Scout and holding you all in the light. Lucy-the-Beagle sends a sweet nose-swipe of a kiss. XO

  8. :( your poor puppy I hope everything is ok. I am convinced my dogs are going to live forever and I would be a wreck if something happened.

  9. I hope Scout is ok! I've only had my cat for three years but it's scary knowing that your pet isn't feeling well. Hoping for the best!

  10. I'm so sorry Yelle! I hope everything will be okay, will be thinking about you!

  11. So sorry to hear that Yelle -- I firmly believe that furry friends are here to display what unconditional love in its purest form looks like and I am so thankful for how much better my little pup makes our life...I can only imagine how tough this moment must be. Stay positive friend ~

  12. I'm so sorry, darling. I know how special dogs can be to a family -- the ARE part of the family. I'm keeping Scout in my thoughts and I'm hoping your day gets a little less cloudy. Sending you hugs and virtual macarons. xo


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