My favorite way to cook: braising

With the weather cooler and the breeze through our windows, I felt it was finally time to shine up my copper pot for fall and winter. Autumn is when it's finally appropriate to use some of my favorite herbs like rosemary that are too hearty for Florida's hot summers. I love to use my copper pot for roasting and braising some hearty meals like sauteed multi-colored potatoes, and my mother's beef stew. 
My copper pot is one of my most prized kitchen possessions. My dad bought it during one of his first trips to Paris, France, an authentic Mauviel dimpled copper pot. He gave it as a gift to my grandmother, who is just as amazing in the kitchen as my dad is. Years later at Thanksgiving, my grandmother said she didn't use it much, and asked if I would use it. I had no idea at the time how in love with this pot I would become. I adore every meal that comes out of it, as if by magic it cannot produce one bad dish.
Ever since visiting my dad's house weeks earlier to have grilled whole sardines and mussels in a white wine sauce, I had been craving a dish with a white wine base. I myself had never made one, so it was about time I get to braising something. With some luck, I stumbled upon this dish, Coq au Riesling, on Pinterest.
It's a dish with chicken browned in the pot, then onions, bacon, and mushrooms sauteed. Later, white wine (I used Pinot Grigio instead of Riesling and skipped the cream for a thinner sauce) is added and everything braises on the stove top, filling the house with the most incredible scents. I served the dish not with pasta or rice, but instead with a simple loaf of crusty ciabatta bread for dipping and soaking up the extra sauce. It was the best new meal I have made at home in a long time. 
Since having a chaotic weekend of events at work and an emotional week of saying goodbye to my beagle, things feel like they are finally getting back to normal. We are visiting friends and family this weekend so it will be nice to hug my family and together commemorate the long and lazy life of our dog that we've loved for what seems like all of my life. 


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  1. i am in love with your copper pot too. not only is it gorgeous but it has such a rich history.

    and i just happen to have been wanting a good recipe for braising! this look delicious and sounds pretty simple too. xo

  2. yelle, this is my definition of comfort food! yum!

  3. Gosh this looks so good! My mouth is watering. What a cool pot too, that is something you will always cherish :) Hope your weekend is lovely!

  4. A gorgeous patina on that copper and so sweet that its been passed around your family a bit :)

  5. Oh Yelle! This post makes me wish so bad that it was autumn over here. I don't think I've ever braised anything before but this mouth watering post makes me want to give it a go.

  6. My partner was reading over my shoulder as I read this and has made this his supper request, lets hope mine looks as good x

  7. I love the story behind that pot, and I'm going to be cheesy here for a second and wager that the reason everything tastes good is because of the love that pot contains. What a history! And that bread looks fantastic, the perfect pairing for that chicken dish (or anything, honestly!) xo

  8. That pot is gorgeous, and I love the history behind it. No wonder every thing that comes out of it tastes good! And the recipe sounds delicious, no matter what pot you cook it in! I'll have to try it. Glad to hear your spirit is lightening.

  9. wow that pot is amazing and love the story behind it (my husband would love one of those). And this recipe looks and sounds delicious.

  10. I've never tried braising. And I've never owned a copper pot (I'm in love). And I've never cooked with wine. So I guess I need to remedy all of this ASAP! I'm new on the mushroom bandwagon and REALLY love them when they're sautéed in sherry, so I imagine they're pretty darn good in this dish! Thanks for sharing!


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