Until Next Time, Austin

This is my very last Austin, TX post recapping with a little film I put together of clips I managed to grab. I didn't film too much on this trip because as much as I snapped quick photos, I really tried to enjoy the adventures of a new city and the company of one of my closest friends. Most of the footage is from our cover shoot day because I really adored working with my friend on her magazine and seeing of little of her day-to-day life. 
I love that me and my closest girl friends are becoming older, we are working 40 hours a week, we are understanding of each other's busy schedules, and we can learn from each other with our experience in our careers. We all used to go to school together to learn and now we are getting wise from our careers and teaching each other the ways of growing up. We used to pass notes back and forth behind our desks, now we are typing emails to keep in touch while multitasking at our desks. I love the group of girls that I've come to know and I adore how different each one is, and how inspiring they all are at the same time. I am so proud and happy for my friends like Jordan in Austin who is working in her major and living life in a city she loves. 


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  1. Such a wonderful post. It's true that as we grow up, we get to know our partners more and more and work is so much easily done

    1. There is so much that comes with adulthood and careers that was never expected, in a good way :)

  2. i really wish i could channel some of your video making skills! i can't remember if i asked before but what program do you use. i have both imovie and the adobe one but i can't remember which is easier to use.

    this is a lovely post as well. i am definitely a female-centric person. i have a lot of wonderful female friends that i just couldn't live without (and have been friends with for YEARS). though now that we are all in the throws of motherhood i just do not see enough of! xo

    1. I actually used Windows Movie Maker because I have a Dell and it came on my computer! With all of the photos, videos, and video games that I have on my computer, I'm always hyper-conscious of taking up a lot of memory, so I avoid installing any additional programs :)

  3. Thank you for commenting on my blog! I used to live in Texas yonders ago. I hope to go back one day.

    This post really rings true to me. Like you, I find that with age I have become more mature and organised in my relationships. At first the change over was difficult and confronting but now I am appreciating more and more the kind of relationship I have with my friends. I love being an adult, even though I don't really feel like one :)

    1. I can completely agree with your last statement! I love all of the benefits that being an adult brings, and I too still feel like I am constantly learning!

  4. what an incredible video recap, thanks for sharing with us! have a lovely day!


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