Weekend Recap @ Wekiwa Springs

I hope everyone is feeling refreshed from the weekend! We've had a lovely balance of at-home time and exploring/adventurous time this weekend. We got a new lamp for the living room that reminds me of an old city street lamp, like the street lamps in Paris. It adds the perfect warm glow during summer evenings spent in our living room. 
I've had a lovely weekend even though I got summoned for jury duty again. Last time I had class all day and couldn't make it. Now I don't have the excuse of class, but I do have a flight that day to Austin, TX to visit my friend! Also, it's time to renew my Florida Cosmetology License. I have to do some continuing education in order to renew it, which isn't so bad, but it is a little tedious. It's a small task in order to always have my beauty license which I take so much pride in. I worked so hard to get it that I hope to always have it, even if we move out of state.
One of the nicest things that we've done in a long time was canoeing this past weekend. We woke up early on Saturday morning to beat the crowds to the canoes at the local springs. We packed plenty of water bottles, sandwiches, and wore our swim suits to meet our friends there. I didn't bring my camera out of fear that we would capsize the canoe and it would be nearly impossible to ensure it's safety. Even though I took sailing lessons one summer as a kid, I still fear capsizing to this day. 
We canoed the farthest of all the morning canoe and kayak duos, not realizing how close we still were from our starting point until we checked the map. Those moments on the river with just lily pads, tall grass, cicadas chirping, and a tunnel of Floridian trees with no one else around us, those were the moments that were relaxing and beautiful. My dad gave me binoculars that I once brought on my trip to Costa Rica a few years ago, and now got to use them again on our canoe trip. I didn't see any big alligators, only baby ones, but we definitely heard the bigger ones grunt from the grass. There were plenty of turtles hanging out on the fallen branches within eyesight, stretching their legs (legs?), and there were a couple of herons and egrets that I could catch mid-flight through the binoculars. There were also a decent variety of insects like dragonflies, damsel flies, pond skaters, and two different types of water-skiing spiders. 
When we arrived there was a grassy hill that led down to the end of the spring, where the ground was rocks and the water cold and see-through. The green and blue hue of the spring water looked so inviting, so we thought we'd relax in the cold spring after canoeing up-stream on the way back. We were hot from the summer sun and exhausted from paddling so the chilly dip was the perfect way to end it. The only downside was at 9 am the spring was empty with just a few bathers and at 2 pm, when we finished canoeing, there were tons of bathers. There were lots of families, loud children, and groups huddled around grills and good food. It was all fun, but not exactly the kind of atmosphere we expected around a serene spring. Next time, we're willing to travel even farther for a quiet canoe and an even quieter dip in a spring. 


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  1. We tried to canoe last weekend but the weather in Miami has been so crappy. Which spring did you go to?


    1. We went to Wekiwa Springs/Wekiwa State Park which is about a half hour away from where we live in Orlando. Next time, we'd chose a different spring, somewhere more desolate.

  2. We've been trying to get out for some kayaking, but the weather has sucked something fierce lately, here in Jupiter!

  3. Love that lamp, totally your style :) I saw your canoeing photo on IG, it looked like so much fun! I really want to do something like that with E but I'm so afraid of the alligators haha :)

  4. I've never been to Wekiva but your experiences make it sound much more inviting than the drunken mess it is usually painted as!

    1. We definitely we witness to some drunken behavior and avoided those areas since we were there for a more relaxing experience. It also helped that we arrived early and left early - before it got even more of a drunken mess!

  5. capsizing scares me too! but toss hearing big alligators grunting in the grass and i am not sure i could keep myself from having a panic attack. your description is so lovely though! it sounds like the perfect weekend. ours was spent in and around our house but it was lovely too.

  6. i haven't been canoeing in years and every summer i say i'm going to go but it just hasn't worked out yet. i really like your new lamp :)

  7. i love the mood of these photos. so still and tranquil and beauty filled.

  8. So . . . it's late, and I have to work in the morning--forgive the comment and run, but I have that same exact bottom post card in the first picture! I have a whole bunch in the series that I bought in Venice! It's neat to know I'm not the only person who envisioned them as art.

  9. I have a canoe trip/lake dip on my list for the summer. My husband is a big paddler and I think he'll scoff at some flat water paddling, but hey? We'll still be out there, right? That's what I want. The sun and the water. My fingers trailing in it.

  10. I got a jury duty summons in the mail last week, too!! I have absolutely no excuse not to go, but so far I haven't had to actually report for the day the last 3 times I've been summoned. I call the night before and my juror number isn't called. Well, that's the case for city jury duty, anyway. I did have to serve federal jury duty last year, but I didn't get picked for the actual trial. It was crazy, the federal building here is really tall, and one of the jurors got out of serving because she was claustrophobic and couldn't ride elevators. She was probably lying ;)

  11. Glad you had a good canoe trip! The thought of alligators freaks me out though... I have way too vivid an imagination when it comes to thinking about encounters with large animals in the wild. I actually went kayaking yesterday and was able to take some photos thanks to this awesome phone case I had. It's opening up new possibilities for documentation since usually if I'm anywhere near water I'll refuse to bring anything valuable for fear of dropping it in!

  12. Really love your style of photography! - Vee

  13. The best time to go to the springs (Wekiva or Rock) is during the week when people are at work and kids are at school. It's just as peaceful at 2pm as it is at 9am. But, ya - summer afternoons are -crazy- there. If you haven't yet, try hiking the trails when it gets cooler out, it's very pretty and peaceful.

    1. PS- the last time I went to Wekiva my daughter and I ended up tipping our canoe... Right in front of the landing. :)


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