
Hope everyone had a great weekend! It seems that I've got my blogging bug back. For a little while there I was feeling a bit overwhelmed trying to focus all of my energy into my new position while balancing a social life and a home life. I finally figured out the correct balance of all my responsibilities, new and old. I'm managing to get to work early while still cleaning the dishes, playing video games, and catching up on our favorite TV shows like Dexter. 
This print you see above was taken by Lana Pribic, who blogs at The Second Renaissance. Lana hosted a giveaway of one of her photographic prints, and I won! She let me chose whatever photograph that I loved best of hers. Of course, when I saw her photograph of Notre Dame from her trip to Paris, I felt so much nostalgia that I knew it was the photo that I had to have! With a white frame near my faux-Pollock in my purple living room, I wanted it in a spot that I would see it all the time. I love to be reminded of my trip to Paris from years ago. The faux-Pollock was actually a project that my dad and I made together when I was in high school. He built a wooden frame, stretched canvas over it, and we hit up the oops paint shelf at the hardware store. With the large frame on the floor, we spent a day throwing paint across the canvas. The Notre Dame print now sits on top of my 1965 Encyclopedia Britannica set, a vintage collection that I inherited and love! It fits in perfectly with all of our other old pieces collected from antique shops in our travels. One of these weekends coming up, we plan on hitting up the local row of antique shops. We haven't been antiquing in so long and this time I have my eye on some mid-century furniture pieces for our home. 


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  1. Nice win on the print!

  2. that faux-pollock is gorgeous. i love that you shared the story behind it it makes me love it anymore. i have been in slump lately myself, but i don't have any awesome reasons for it like a new promotion. though enjoying the summer is a pretty good reason. this weekend i actually got posts ready for the week! at this point it feels like a major accomplishment ;) xo

  3. It looks great! It's so hard to balance your life, especially when you have multiple social groups. Ugh! Glad you're finding balance.

  4. What a pretty print! Love it :) And like Angel said, it's definitely hard, especially with such a big (and awesome!) promotion such as yours. Hope things are going well!

  5. Yelle, i am so happy it has arrived! You made it look great. So glad it takes you back to a special memory.

    And hey, don't be hard on yourself, its all a learning process! Balancing different aspects of our lives and devoting optimal time to each is something i feel we all struggle with.

  6. It is always hard trying to establish a balance that fits in essentials and episodes of Dexter! I recognise such difficulties well!! X

  7. trying to find that balance is hard for me as well! but some times I get into the groove of it all....

    love that photo!!!!

    I'm doing a giveaway as well that I think you would enjoy with your party planning/event planning! come check it out!

  8. Congrats! Now that is a prize to win!! Oh, Notre Dame. No wonder you chose that print! Needless to say, I approve. And I love the story behind each of the items in your home. It's all very intentional and everything has an importance. It's really nice. xo

  9. I love your style! And now, I'm inspired to create a faux Pollock for myself. So pretty!

  10. beautiful space! lovely photos and words!

  11. i was just talking about how difficult it is to keep balance in your life with my husband the other day -- how do you find enough time to excel at your work, keep the house organized, read the books you want/need to read, work out, eat / cook healthy, keep the dishes clean sans dishwasher, yadda yadda --- its tough! so comforted to hear that is normal, and impressed at how much you get done before even leaving your home in the morning ;)

  12. I've been struggling with balance a lot this summer too. I've been lucky enough to not have to work (much) in the summers, but this year I've been working a lot more than usual, which is good, but I miss hanging out with my son (and the beach!). And then the work balance! Yipes! I'll get there I guess.

    I love both the print and the faux-Pollock is great! In the lower school of my son's school is a huge faux-Pollock as well, and I love it...and him.


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