Blogging Professionally

I wanted to let you all know that I've started blogging for my museum! In the events department we work with so many vendors on a regular basis that we thought it would be a great way to feature our favorite vendors in a fun way. 
We will be posting photos from our weddings and special events, including tips for event planning, and sharing some behind the scenes info. Our blog is called OSC Meetings and Events. We're going to start off with one post per week and we've already started brainstorming sessions in the office about what to post. Hope that you follow along!
We already have so many blogs that our events were featured on including Offbeat Bride and MTV - check out our blogroll links. There's also links on our sidebar that we manage ourselves like our DropBox of photos, our Facebook, our Pinterest, and our The Knot listing. They all have more photos if you are interested in checking them out! 
Hope that you all enjoy your Fourth of July! Any special plans? For us, every year we can see the fireworks show from our balcony so it's easy to stay in with good food, drinks, and the comfort of not enduring crowds for some fireworks.
Photos by Damon Tucci


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  1. That's awesome! I'm the blogging queen at my internship at the moment, except you'll be blogging about much more interesting things at the museum. Very cool gig!

  2. very cool, and wonderful that they've assigned you to spearhead another corner of the blogosphere :) congrats!

  3. that's so great yelle! i have to know did you work on the halo wedding? i liked the part at the end of their vows where they said "teammates for life." we are undecided about forth plans . . .

  4. Congratulations!! That's so exciting and yet a natural extension of what you already do on both ends, a good coming together. I'll be sure to check it out! I'm actually in talks with a family friend to start blogging for his architecture firm, too, so hooray more fancy home tours! Haha. 4th of July is our anniversary, so we're having a picnic like we do every year and hopefully going to the art museum this weekend. We'll see! xoxo

  5. This is amazing! Blogging professionally with a company is such a great career move. Looking forward to seeing all of the gorgeous pictures from the events. Congrats Yelle!

  6. that's awesome--congrats yelle! :)

    xoxo, L

  7. I think blogging's a great way to promote event management!

    7% Solution​

  8. That's so exciting! You'll bring a great perspective to your company :D

  9. Woohoo! Congrats! Sounds like such a great learning experience.


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