Sunday Breakfast

One of my favorite blogs, Love and Whimsy by Milynn, has a series called Sunday Breakfast and it always makes me nostalgic for the weekend! My Sunday Breakfast consists of a little tradition that S and I started when we first started living together. We'd go to the farmer's market, pick up small, red potatoes to chop up, red peppers, and onions. After sautee-ing the potatoes, peppers, and onions in a cast iron skillet  we crack an egg over the top and put it in the oven to cook. The egg whites slowly drip in between the potatoes while cooking onto them, and the yolk stays golden and runny. 
This weekend I worked an event that we have every year for a fraternity. Typically fraternities and sororities aren't my thing, but the planner was so nice and the group, as obnoxious as they can be with a few beers in them, they were great too. They were rowdy at times, and made a whole lot of noise when they kicked all of the vendors out of the exhibit hall to do their ritual. Here's just a glimpse of their pig roast on Instagram.
This weekend we also got inspired to get a new bookcase for our living room. Towards the end of the month (the wedding!) we'll have a ton of family and friends in and out of our apartment so I figured we should make the updates that I've wanted to do before they all come. After I convinced S of this, we headed to Ikea. We picked out a lovely bookcase that almost looks like a farmhouse chest - so not Ikea style at all - and we decided to take it home! Until of course they were out of stock. Ikea staff were nice enough to tell us when the next shipment will be in, so I'll keep you posted on our little revamp of this space. Until then, hope that your week is off to a great start!


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  1. Oh my goodness, that sounds like an amazing idea for breakfast and it looks so so good!

    PS! Thank you so much :) I love your blog too!

  2. nothing compares to homemade weekend breakfasts. i love that you guys have such a unique little tradition! and yay for new bookcases, i love ikea. i can't wait to see what you do with it :)


  3. i am making that one! i love me some fried potatoes and onion and this is such lovely variation on the good old breakfast standby. And it's GF, yay! Is that arugula on top? i want to recreate this exact meal, it looks so lovely and yummy. i have two ikea bookcases and they are one of the ikea items that have stood up really well. they are one of my favorite piece of furniture. can't wait to see yours :)

  4. Looks delicious! Can I come over for breakfast? lol

  5. It's rainy and dreary here in Chicago so this post has inspired me to make a mid-day breakfast meal! My hubby and I are both fortunate to have the day off today...randomly on a Tuesday. Beautiful post! I love the cow creamer :D

  6. The breakfast looks so yummy! I love a nice runny yolk. It's great that you supported the local community and you got nice fresh ingredients.

  7. Lovely atmosphere, Yelle, your camera is amazing! Can't wait to see the new bookcase, when it will be available!

  8. As a Swede I just have to say that Ikea is great. You know that you always can find what you need for your home to a reasonable price. And sometimes, they really surprise you when it comes to design, style AND quality.

  9. That looks delicious!! I just found your blog and your photography is STUNNING!

  10. yum! this looks so good and easy to do!

  11. this looks amazing!! lovely blog :)


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