Party With... Emma Watson

Emma Watson would be the sweetest girl to host an Easter morning garden party brunch. A few girl friends would be invited to celebrate the day peacefully in a garden of butterflies and chirping birds. The table of friends would be surrounded by beautifully blooming flowers, and of course the weather would be in their favor on that day. 
Somewhere in the English country side, Emma would host this morning brunch. Friends would wander through the lighted garden to the table set up with food and drink in a courtyard.
One of my favorite brunch foods is waffles with fresh fruit. Emma would serve big waffles, topped with mixed fruit, perfect for snacking on while surrounded by nature.
When anyone thinks of brunch, the first drink that comes to mind is mimosas. Emma would serve plenty of mimosas across the table, as well as coffee for those getting a late start. The friends would cheers and smile over food and inside jokes. 
Emma and her friends would wear feminine floral dresses to brunch, perfect for hosting a garden party in the sun and cool breeze. If you celebrate Easter, I hope you have a wonderful holiday! If not, I hope your Sunday is just as good and includes waffles and mimosas anyway!
Adieu, Yelle
Emma Watson photo source
Garden flowers photo source
Waffles photo source
Mimosa photo source
Floral dress source


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  1. You're right! Emma Watson would host an awesome Easter party. The floral dress totally suits her as well.

  2. I love that tablescape! Beautiful brunches to have there.

  3. what a perfect easter garden party. i love that table with the tufted benches and wingback chairs. and i don't know what i like better that cute dress or that fabulous turquoise bike. have a great weekend :)

  4. I love Emma Watson. Your idea reminds me of when Emma did that clothing line with People Tree. She did a photoshoot with her friends in the English countryside. I also think Taylor Swift would really like that girly brunch as well.

  5. Obsessed with this idea! So creative and imaginative. Lovely lovely girl to host a serene garden party. Sigh!
    Love your blog, now following you Yelle!!

  6. I love the floral dress you picked for Emma, she would look lovely in it :)

  7. Swoon, I would go to any party Emma Watson hosted. And with mimosas and waffles?? Not even a question! Those are two of my favorite things anyway, haha, so any excuse to have them together (and in nice weather in a garden!) is okay by me. have I mentioned that I love this series? Cause I do.

  8. Seriously, I have such a girl crush on Emma Watson. I really want to be BFF's with her, haha. This party sounds absolutely lovely - I love the way you described it all!

  9. you are spot on with this! i want to be invited haha :)

  10. What a brilliantly unique blog column! I love this, so much!

    I'd definitely party with Emma Watson. :)


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