Party With... Drew Barrymore

St. Patrick's Day is this Sunday and you bet that it is a reason to celebrate! Most celebrate like they would in Ireland, with beers. The best hostess of a St. Patty's Day I can think of is Drew Barrymore who is of Irish decent. She's got a lot of charm, can throw back a few beers, and looks great with red hair. She'd host a late night beer, burgers, + brie party in honor of the drinking holiday!
Shot glasses come in handy for tasting different kinds of brews. Many liquor stores have the deal where you can make your own six-pack, filling a cardboard tote full of different types that you want to try. That would come in handy at a party like this. A sort of bring-your-own + make-your-own six pack for tasting! Sharing with friends would make for some newly loved beers and some that will be forever avoided. 
To serve with the beers would be burgers at this late night fete, but for those that aren't hungry at night for a burger can snack on individual baked bries and other cheeses, paired to compliment the beer. It's real pub food, but at home. With all of the beer tasting, dinner party guests are definitely going to need some grease to soak up the alcohol in their stomachs. 
At the end of the night, everyone can rate their favorite brews for future reference! This way, people can remember their favorite new brew, and even the one to avoid. 
The kind of lady that would host a beers, burgers, and brie St. Patty's Day dinner party wouldn't wear just any dress. This hostess is tough enough to drink beers with her friends, but flirty enough to dress up when entertaining.
The music would definitely be some rock band tunes in loud in the background, to give the party the feel of a pub. The lights would be turned down low, the dartboard would be taken out from it's grave under the bed, and hopefully the guests won't write on the bathroom walls.
Adieu, Yelle
Drew Barrymore photo source
Beer tasting photo source
Burger photo source
Brie photo source
Caramel popcorn photo source
Beer glasses photo source
Dress photo source
Pub photo source


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  1. I love this series and the beer tasting party idea! That sounds like a great way to find out which beers is your favorite. Which I definitely would benefit from :p

  2. Oh goodness... I really want to host one of these! Design*Sponge just featured a beer tasting party the other day as well, and now I'm really craving some! Lovely post :)

  3. how fun! and then i could go to down on those create your own 6-packs... :)

  4. this is such a great idea! i love the individual brie/cheeses especially. the combination is perfect :) i can't wait to host something like this--maybe next year!


  5. Can I please attend this party?!?! haha such cute ideas!! Following and obsessing!

  6. I love Drew. Sounds so great. x

    <3 Melissa

  7. oh drew! i'd totally party with her. we are the same age and she's always been one of those people i have admired and felt a little kinship with. maybe it's because she's irish like me and used to die her hair red when no one else did and it wasn't quite so cool ; ) and can i just say those brie (poptarts?) look amazing! ohmygosh. yum. have a lovely st. paddys day!

  8. aaaannnd now I'm craving a big juicy burger & some Flogging Molly tunes.

  9. I love your imaginary parties... and the photo of the Bell's beer on the Michigan boards [my home sate!]

  10. I love this! I'm a huge party planner, I love to play hostess and throw parties :) Totally loving your blog, I'm a new follower from the Bloglovin' blog hop! :)

  11. Why do people outside Ireland call it St PaTTy's day? I don't get it whatsoever. We in Ireland call it St Patricks or St PaDDy's day??

  12. wait, so are you going to a party with drew barrymore?? haha, i think i was confused for a second. either way, this potential party sounds awesome!! x

  13. This is such a great post. If I were to be throwing a party I would love to to use this as inspiration!


  14. You make me want to eat a burger and have a beer, and I don't like either of those! :)
    BTW, I'm adding you to my blog roll! <3

  15. I am a total St. Patrick's day avoider/hater, mostly because I don't like big crowds or beer (I know, I know!). But I do love this party set-up!! And that dress!!


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