Our New Years Eve in Manhattan

My first post of the New Year could only be a recap of an evening well spent! I hope everyone had fun, and wish you all a wonderful 2013 up ahead. On our road trip we spent New Years eve in Manhattan at my cousins apartment. We didn't try to get close to Times Square or anything, and we were quite safe from the mob crowds being that we were on the upper west side. 
We started the evening with delicious cheese from my favorite upper west side market, Zabars. To this day I still order my coffee grinds from Zabars to have a little piece of home in Florida every day. We had a delicious dinner of pork, lentils, rice, and my aunt's banging cauliflower. You must be thinking, how on earth can cauliflower be amazing, but trust me, hers is. 
We joined in on our families traditions: a spoonful of lentils for a good year, caviar on mini toast to celebrate, grapes for good luck, three lentils in our wallets for good money fortune, and of course, champagne toasts. 
Before midnight struck, we went to the roof of the building to enjoy the city. Surprisingly, for the city that boasts it's New Years eve celebrations, it was such a calm night. There wasn't much noise coming from the streets, and the Hudson River was quiet. It was such a precious moment in a city like New York. 
After midnight, we took a walk around the upper west side to enjoy the festivities. Everyone of course was smiling, cheery with drinks in their bellies, and everyone wished each other a happy new year. Je te souhaite une bonne année!
Adieu, Yelle


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  1. love that rooftop shot, how awesome that they can go up on their roof in nyc!

  2. upper west side new years eve - that looks like the rockin' new years eve in new york city that i would like to have. i used to dream of going to times square but that looks much more my speed. it also simply looks amazing! i would be happy to just sit awhile on that gorgeous staircase with a bottle of champagne!

  3. Wow... Caviar! That stuff is the best! I love the photo of the skyline- absolutely gorgeous. Happy New Year!

  4. Looks amazing! Happy New Year xxx

  5. It looks like you welcomed in the new year perfectly.
    Happy 2013!

  6. So heart warming. Thank you for allowing us to be apart of this experience. Sure was fun to read about :) I felt like I was there!

  7. Oh what a lovely new years evening! In New York? Perfect.

  8. You guys are total rockstars for braving Manhattan for NYE. And it wasn't even that crazy, thankfully! It looks like you guys had a blast, but how could you not with caviar and champagne and good company, right? Your cousins have a great view of the river from their roof. Happy 2013 again!

  9. What a view!! I am so envious that you got to spend NY in my favourite city ever.

    Happy New Year!

  10. What a way to welcome in the new year!
    Bonne Année!!!

  11. Great pictures! Sounds like a great NYE! I've always wanted to see the ball drop in Times Square, but I don't want to wait in the cold for hours! So this year I watched the ball drop in White Plains (a small city 45 minutes from NYC) and it was nice and there were only 20,000 people as opposed to 1 million!

  12. beautiful pictures, yelle... you look super cute :) also, i thought that was caviar! xx

  13. What a neat place to spend New Years! It's so interesting that despite all the hustle and bustle NYC is famous for, you saw such a calm night. I love that. Happy new year to you!

  14. it looks wonderful!
    happy new year dear!

  15. how fun!! I have never been to NYC, even though I only live 3 hours away...pathetic, I know. I will get there in 2013!!

  16. Looks gorgeous! Happy New Year!

  17. How beautiful. I can't wait for our trip to the city next week! What was your favorite part about the city?

  18. Could you be any cuter? Sounds like the perfect night! Happy New Year!
    xo TJ

  19. Beautiful view! I'm not much of a Times Square NYE person either. I would much rather enjoy the night from the roof as well. :)

  20. So sweet!! You are seriously the cutest EVER. Have a super happy first weekend of 2013! Just stopping by from Sugar and Dots to say hello. :) XO

  21. Looks like you had a great evening - Happy New Year!

  22. Happy New Year! Thanks for stopping by my page, I am so looking forward to following your adventures :) x

  23. Ah, I love that picture of the city :)


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