Social media + events

Earlier this semester, in my event promotions class, we had a guest speaker, Paula from Posh Able Events.  She has a wonderful structure to her company, blending events, PR/ marketing/ branding, as well as even a charitable non-profit. It was so great to get some great insight to the events industry and marketing and how they often go hand in hand. Of course, all of her tips I was able to apply to my class project, my work as an event coordinator for a museum, as well as even my blog!
Some tips that we learned that I promptly starred in my notes:
  • You can bring the social media, website design, and public relations in house for your company or blog for more control
  • A social media press release is simply one link that links to the main website where all of the most up to date information will be - this ensures that there is never outdated information out there on the web
  • Look up to larger companies to see how they are using their social media like Pinterest, and mimic on your budget and time resources
  • Lastly, something that she said will stick with me will be, "Some things you do for show, and some things you do for dough." Sometimes, you have to work for free in order to get the business. But, you must decide how much you're willing to work for free beforehand. 
It was so insightful to have her come in and talk to us. It's great when you come away from something feeling so fulfilled and able to apply what you just learned to every aspect of your life: your job, your blog, + your assignments. 

I have another wonderful new sponsor, her name is Ashlee and she blogs at She lives in Kentuky and she sews, crochets, and like me, tries to be somewhat of a chef! Definitely go say hi!
Salut, Yelle
Desk photo source
Clipboard photo source


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  1. I'm in love with that yellow chair! And love guest speakers who you can really relate to! Thanks for the shoutout :)

    1. No problem Ashlee! I adore that yellow chair too! Jaw-dropping.

  2. Sounds really enlightening. So true about the "show and dough" thing. I need to ponder this! :)

    1. Yes! I definitely didn't want to forget that one!

  3. I have always had a love for parties and events, so I am loving this post and your blog! Thanks for sharing :) Someday I hope to be able to apply it!

  4. i haven't paid for any advertising for my blog or my shop. there are so many free ways and i figure you have control over your own time and efforts. i learned this through lack of money for marketing ; ) but glad that i did. but who knows i am sure if i had done it all differently i would have a completely different perspective; and of course, i am my own client!

    1. Yes, there are so many "free" ways to work on your own advertising/marketing! However, there is time spent on it - so I feel like it's work at the same time!

  5. Love that yellow chair, such pretty things you posted.

  6. love these images, they are so inspiring!

  7. Is that your office??! I'm speechless. Even if they're not yours, they're amazing, totally aspirational. I'd get a ton of work done in there (false, I'd spend too much time oggling everything in the room :) Great social media tips!

    1. I wish it was my office! They are totally inspirational dreamy offices!

  8. So much nice and inspiring pictures, love the interior!

    1. Such gorgeous interiors - I would spend all of my time in an office like that!

  9. Some things for show, some things for dough - I shall remember that!

    1. It's such a good one! I don't want to forget it either!

  10. Those are really great tips to have noted from the speaker! love her quote about things for show and dough. Very true!

    1. It seemed like common sense, but it took a catchy phrase for it to stick!

  11. Great tips and great workspace!!! Drool...

  12. woah, that class you're taking sounds really cool! i think that stuff's all so interesting :)


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