Party with... Rooney Mara

Who better to host a grown up Halloween party than Girl With The Dragon Tattoo's Rooney Mara? A little dark, a little pale, and a lot of fierce. Costumes would definitely be welcome at a grown up, yet noir Halloween party.
Incorporating classically mysterious trench coats in black would be perfectly acceptable. Although, this amazing couture dress would be perfect for a dark day like October 31st. A gothic dress with lace and bones would be a stunning costume, without really playing into costumes.

Of all the drinks to be served, absinthe would play nicely with the mysterious and dark feel. Absinthe makes me think of enigmatic men and women with refined personalities, and a dark side. 
The best desserts are French macarons. They are sophisticated and sweet, but add black food coloring and licorice extract, and you've got one very bad ass macaron
In Paris, there is a restaurant called Dans le Noir, meaning, In the Dark, in which you dine in complete darkness. Servers guide you to your seat, help you feel where you glassware is, inform you on how to call their attention, all because your sense of taste and smell becomes heightened when you lose your sense of sight. Of course, for Halloween, dining in the dark is perfect. For an adult Halloween party, turn out the lights, fire up some candles (for those afraid of the dark), and indulge in some treats.

Salut, Yelle
Rooney Mara photo source
Absinthe photo source


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  1. Cool party! Love the new look of the blog too!

    1. Thank you Shannon! I've been tweaking the blog a lot!

  2. I want that absinthe spoon... It's so pretty!

  3. Replies
    1. I agree - I would definitely attend this party :)

  4. Hi Yelle, found your blog via Miranti via Liebster. What lovely images - conjuring up a dark but elegant Halloween party. We've got Dans Le Noir in London too :)

    1. Thanks Geraldine! I wish Dans Le Noir would come somewhere around me! Although, this is a good excuse to visit Paris again and to visit London for the first time!

  5. Your blog is beautiful!
    I like it a lot

    If you follow me, I said, I'm back

  6. You had me at Rooney Mara. Sigh. Everything she does is flawless.

    1. I completely agree. I have such a girl crush on her, she's amazing!

  7. Such an awesome idea for a series! I can't wait to see what you come up with next. Also can this party actually exist? I totally want an invite!

  8. I've never had a macaroon but wouldn't the licorice extract make it taste.... like a twizzler? I'm not a fan of black licorice but the end result looks phenomenal.

    I was actually considering going as Lydia Deetz because it was simple and I have plenty of black clothes!

    Thanks for stopping by.



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