Fall Decor

Every fall, I bring out my seasonal decor. Seeing these items around our apartment make me feel that much more festive for the season. Some favorites are pine cones, cinnamon sticks, and coffee beans. Below you can see a stack of my treasured books, a French edition Vermeer collection, Nomad and Stylist's Guide to NYC by Sibella Court. Our coffee table also includes a block of wood with my grandfather's initials, VR, burned with an iron spoke from his cattle brander used on his farm in Brazil. A little piece of our family history.
As seen in the photos, I adore incorporating my deer antlers in to my year round decor, as well as my seasonal decor. Instead of fresh flowers like in summer and spring, we put in dried and richly colored buds for fall in the dining room table centerpiece flanked with two antlers. On our miniature piano, we have a bowl of most of our antlers, joined but some lovely textured twine decor.
The only thing that would make the house complete is the smell of cinnamon and nutmeg in some mulled wine on the stovetop. Warm and aromatic, the house would look, smell, and feel like fall.

Salut, Yelle
Photos via me


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  1. Pretty! I bet your home smells wonderfully fall! I need to do this too :)

    1. Do it! It always sets in the spirit for all the fall holidays!

  2. Found your blog on BBN and I love your photos! I like cinnamon stick idea! But I feel like my cat would start to nibble on them!

    Your Newest Follower,


    1. Thanks for taking the time to comment! If I was a cat - I would totally nibble on the cinnamon sticks too.

  3. The smallest touches make the biggest difference :)

    1. I definitely agree, it's refreshing to have these instead of my regular decor.

  4. oh, i love the cattle brander and the story behind it sounds very interesting. a farm in brazil?! sounds good to me!

  5. mmm, those cinnamon sticks are such a great idea. your place must smell wonderful :) x

    1. Thanks! And it smells best when I have a pumpkin candle lit!

  6. Wonderful decorations and so apropos for the season! I had some of those twine balls in a bowl on my coffee table for a while and then my dog ate them. So that was bad. I love the sentimentality in that piece from your grandfather. xo

    1. Twine balls are so great! I love the texture they add! Good to know that they are not puppy friendly :x

  7. Your fall decor is so pretty, I especially like the cinnamon sticks, your house must smell great.

    1. Thank you! The smell really makes it feel like fall!

  8. Replies
    1. Thank you Emily! I have such a soft spot for antlers!

  9. Oh, that is lovely! The deer antlers look perfectly modern in your displays rather than musty-hunting-lodge-esque. I need to find a great fall-scented candle for this year. Hazelnut is my favourite scent. Thanks for visiting my blog! I look forward to reading more of yours.

    1. That is such a compliment! I do try to stray from looking like a lodge in the middle of the woods! I want to keep a little urban nature with me!

  10. Mmmm, love the coffee and cinnamon!

  11. Those antlers really call to me! Where did you find those?

    1. I found them at various places! Mostly, an antique store nearby, an antique store in the next town over, and the very first one was a gift!


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