Party With... Jane Austen

Valentine's Day is one of those holidays that some love, and some hate. Although, if Jane Austen was alive, I bet she would love every minute of it every year. She would most certainly host a Valentine's Day party full of romance, frills, and lace. She wouldn't be shy on the details, incorporating her writing into every facet including the place cards for her lady-friends seats. 
Jane Austen would be hostess to a day party, being the romantic that she is, in order for her guests and herself to be free for their suitors in the evening. Keeping true to her English roots, the miss would serve tea for the afternoon. Everything would be served on silver trays, like true English tea time
I am definitely lending some inspiration from my recent tea-themed bridal shower. I adore vintage tea cups and saucers. I have a beautiful set of chintz from my mom. The tiny flowers are beautifully painted like the set above. 
To add even more romance (is it possible?) gorgeously pastel French macarons would be served with tea for nibbling. Lemon, raspberry, and pistachio flavors a must for their wonderful color and taste.
And lastly, hearts symbolizing love would not be left out, and would hang proudly in colorful garlands while Jane Austen reads love poems aloud to her friends, and they dance lively together to the sounds of a fortepiano. 
Have a wonderful Valentine's day whether you're celebrating with your main squeeze or your favorite friends!
Adieu, Yelle

Jane Austen painting source
Lace place purchase source
Tea cups purchase source
Silver tray purchase source
Garland purchase source


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  1. I love Jane Austen (and the Bronte sisters, though I bet there would be a rivalry if they were both at the party).

  2. This party needs to be thrown for realz! It would undoubtedly be the best party ever! Everyone would wear their best white dress and have cute things pinned in their hair! Love it!

  3. Oh, I love all these beautiful tea cups ♥

  4. Any party that involves tea and macarons and heart shaped things, sign me up for! Though I'll take a seat at the other end of the table from Jane Austen, she can get a little heartbreaking and sad for me at times ;) Love this series!

  5. i would love to come to your jane austin tea party for valentines day. i mean if this is what went on every feb. 14th it would quickly become my favorite day of the year. xo

  6. I like the vintage tea set! Seems like a very "Austeny" party.

  7. Oh my God... I love everything about this. I am such a Jane Austen fanatic. I love the "Party with..." series!

  8. I love that shot of the silver trays! This is such a sweet idea, Happy Valentine's Day!

  9. Adorable! I wish I was invited to that party.

  10. This is my favourite one, I am so impressed! I have just printed a version of this post to stick on my notice board for later reference :)

  11. Oooh sweet! Yes that's exactly how her party would look! So pretty :)


  12. I hope you have an amazing Valentine´s day! <3


  13. I'm not a huge jane austen fan but I am sure am a fan of this post!!

    love those teacups and need them in my life.

  14. I. Love. This! What an adorable spread, and that heart garland is beautiful.

  15. I. Love. This! What an adorable spread, and that heart garland is beautiful.

  16. *gasp* Bravo! I love Austen. How could I not--I'm an English major turned librarian! But I especially love it when people are inspired to do new things with old literature. This is so beautiful. Keep the book themes coming, please!

    <3 jen @ librarian tells all

  17. Love this!!! I'm an Austin fan and this collection of inspired party decor is beyond awesome.


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