Letterpress Happy Hour: Valentine's Day Edition

Every Valentine's day, being that S went to art school, it's our tradition that he makes me a card. I always want a handmade card more than any box of chocolates or bouquet of flowers. The past few years, he's illustrated a different part of the body and cut it out as a card. The first year I got an anatomical heart, there was also a lung one year, and last year I got a skeleton hand with the quirky, "Can I get your digits?" written inside. This year, we made our cards together.
Last week our invitations were printed and the letterpress we used, Flying Horse Editions, was also having a Letterpress Happy Hour, just in time for Valentine's day. Our friend that works at the press walked us through the steps of picking our paper and designs, then picking the letters for what our cards would say. We went with the simple "Happy Valentine's Day" with a variation of font types and sizes. Then, he showed us how to operate the printing machine.  
Our friend joked that it was kind of like inviting people to a restaurant and making them cook their own food. We had to clamp the paper in, as well as press the letters on ourselves. We are definitely not pros at this, but it was fun to use the printing press, especially just after our invitations were made, so we could see exactly how it was done. 
It was also nice to see what others picked for their cards to say. I saw other languages like Latin and Spanish, and even cutesy sayings like, "Love you like cake." The entire atmosphere was nice; couples and friends printed their cards and traded, there was beer and wine to drink, as well as a food truck parked just outside of the letterpress for those looking to fill their bellies. 
This past weekend we visited friends and family back home for a quick trip. The French would call this a "petit weekend," like a little weekend trip. S finally found his suit for the wedding, we caught up with family, and we got pho with my dad, just in time for Tet, the Vietnamese new year. It was the best bowl of pho I've had in a long time, paired with fresh spring rolls dipped in peanut sauce. 
I've been thinking about friends and family up north lately. I know there is a blizzard and I hope everyone is bundled up tight! In Florida, it doesn't even feel like winter. This past week we had an exceptionally beautiful day and while at work my boss said that when we were done with all of our meetings we should go do something outside. It was the first time in months that I had time to just sit by the pool. It felt even stranger knowing that miles north, everyone is inside keeping warm, while I was in a bathing suit laying out at the pool. 
Adieu, Yelle


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  1. i love letterpress and what a fun idea for them to host a happy hour where you can be in the process--love that. nice final product and what a sweet tradition you two have :)

  2. You are so lucky to have access to letterpress, the cards are lovely and it looks like you guys had lots of fun. Also in love with that "Love you like cake" quote <3

  3. That is awesome, I love typography!



  4. Love the cards, that's a great idea.. Also the invitations were amazing! :D

  5. that looks like so much fun! my grandfather had a really old printing machine in his garage when i was young and he'd come out with fake business cards for us and such - i so regret not learning anything about it. but i love the smell of oil and ink and metal, it takes me back. xo

  6. That is so cool that you made letterpress cards! The design is so pretty!

  7. That's so much fun! I love the look of letterpress, and getting to actually make it would be really cool.

  8. What a cool experience! I love the idea of letterpress for my business cards, but it's so dang expensive. Maybe I should just suck it up - cause this turned out great!


  9. Love this! Very unqique post. I'd love to make my Valentine's Day cards like this!


    Jules of Canines & Couture

  10. This.is.amazing. Handmade cards are the best, and letter press?!!! How freaking awesome!!!

  11. I love letterpress and handmade cards, and this looks like a lot of fun. :)

  12. what an awesome experience! i love letterpress and it's neat getting to see the inner-workings of what it takes. so unique! love the designs you produced as well :)


  13. That sounds like the best happy hour ever! Your design is lovely, you must feel so smug! Also making your cards together somehow makes valentines day seem that much more meaningful, a whole event out of it. I am jealous x

  14. Your blog is beautiful! Most inspiration!


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